DUI/Hit & run Accident just happened IN MY STREET!!!

2 October 2001
This happened about 1.5hrs ago in the street i live in; which is typically a quiet street except for the occassional p-plater in a VN commodore. :tongue:

We heard screaming tires then a smash, followed by a car driving off at high speed. Naturally I investigated. J

A white ute had crashed into a mazda 626 parked in the driveway; spinning it 90’. The owner of the car ran out to see the ute reversing and driving off (he said he had even been able to grab onto the Ute’s rear tray and had contemplated for a split second jumping in the back). The ute went over two speed humps at high speed as it fled.

About 300meters down the street people were congregating around other cars that had been hit. One poor girl was extremely upset that her new Mazda 3 had been completely shredded down the entire length of its side and the front grill ripped off.

Yet further still – through a stop-signed cross road – the white ute had come to rest in a gutter after pulverizing a tree and the rear end of a Honda Civic. The civic had been parked up on the lawn, and had been pushed about 15meters up the road. Glass, plastic and crap was spewed everywhere.

The driver had been driving at high speed (obviously) when plowing into the back of the civic. He then run into his home which was across the street. Fortunately neighbors came out to investigate the crash and made a semi “citizens arrest” by keeping custody of the guy until police arrived. The ute driver was taken away by ambulance. He was very, very drunk. Ironically it wasn’t his ute – it belonged to his boss.

1st Car: Mazda 626

1st car - Mazda 626 - 100_5138.jpg

The rear had taken most of the force. the rear right wheel was badly out of alignment.

1st car - Mazda 626 - 100_5139.jpg

1st car - Mazda 626 - 100_5140.jpg

2nd Car: Mazda 3
This guy must have hated Mazda's coz he really cleaned this one up. :( I really felt sorry for the poor girl who owned it.

2nd car - Mazda 3 - 100_5136.jpg

He'd hit it from the rear quarter panel, and stripped everything up to the front.

2nd car - Mazda 3 - 100_5137.jpg

the owner joking said "well, at least i didn't bother washing it yesterday". :D

2nd car - Mazda 3 - 100_5133.jpg

2nd car - Mazda 3 - 100_5132.jpg

both right-side wheels were flat. Every panel on the right side was damaged, but it appeared it was all only cosmetic (panel damage). Of course i didnt say that to the owner -- like that would have been any comfort. :rolleyes:

2nd car - Mazda 3 - 100_5134.jpg

3rd Car: The Honda Civic :mad:
Hell has no wrath compared to neo seeing a beautiful honda needlessly smashed.... :mad:

3rd - Civic - 100_5118.jpg

Incredibly the driver and passenger windows weren't damaged; although the passenger’s door wouldn’t open.

3rd - Civic - 100_5119.jpg

While damage was very extensive, i was surprised how well the civic handled the rear impact.

3rd - Civic - 100_5122.jpg

The poor lady owner was heartbroken her little civic had been smashed. However she and her family had to go back in doors as they were in the middle of celebrating their four-year-old daughters birthday! :tongue: This is one birthday they won't forget!

3rd - Civic - 100_5124.jpg

The offender: The White Ute

3rd - Ute - 100_5115.jpg

3rd - Ute - 100_5117.jpg

3rd - Ute - 100_5126.jpg

3rd - Ute - 100_5127.jpg

3rd - Ute - 100_5129.jpg

This last shot gives you some indication how fast the guy must have been moving. The civic was parked where the ute now sits.

3rd - Ute & Civic - 100_5128.jpg

Fortunately nobody else was injured, and everyone’s cars were insured. But just reminder; don’t drink and drive coz you’ll look like an even bigger idiot when photos of your accident end up on the net like this. :D

The mate was a bit of a brumby when he did a bish bash and was quite face off. It might 'ave been the plonk or the tinneys and did 'e chunder? Quite a come a gutser. E's got the wobbly boot on. What a Drongo, eh? The ambo blue checks are quite Ridgy-didge.

Cheers mate!:biggrin:
Those cooky Aussies...

Nothing like that happens until after 11am around Houston after Breakfast..:biggrin: j/j
steveny said:
Neo, imagine if you had an NSX meeting at your house with 20 or so NSX's parked up the street. :eek:

that would be close to a million or more depending on how many he hits..

but man.. that's a clean hatchback.. =D
Damn...that's some crazy sh!t. Good thing that no one other than the offender got hurt (not counting cars of course).

Another argument for keeping your car parked in a garage...
On my way to work:

Roadside of a residential zone was a perfectly parked new shiny SUV with a smashed rear quarter panel (tail light lying on floor 10 feet ahead) and no parties discussing said accident near car.

Stupid hit and run :mad: