Drunk Driver

Good. Sue his ass.
It's a nice sentiment, but most alcoholics don't have two nickels to rub together. I'll probably wind up suing the insurance company or the person who loaned him the car (Mom). He doesn't have a license or a car, of course, because of multiple DUIs, probably.

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A few cuts a scrapes but I think I am otherwise OK. It usually takes a few days to be sure. Nexie protected me well as the truck was estimated at 75 to 80 MPH in a 45 zone. I will try to swap the shift knob if I can, but will need the 03 knob in hand for a quick swap out if the car is totaled. Once totaled, they take the car away quickly, unless I decide to buy it back. This is so complicated. I'll do my best for a bottle of Jack Daniels Single Barrel. Actually, for you I'll do it for free.


Thank you for the offer but I already have one. I'm sure local guys will get creative :)
Oh man :( Felt sick to my stomach after seeing the pic. So sorry :(
if the car needs a rear end I have a complete one at my shop. but guys lets let Gary get better first before we hound him for parts LOL
Gary so sick to learn about this; however, most importantly you're alright. Can't imagine what you're going through right now. Hopefully the drunk driver is held accountable to the full extent of the law and that insurance works in your favor.

Boy that sucks. It looks ugly in the pictures but if you look closely the rear wheel does not seem bent nor does the exhaust. Could be a pretty easy fix. Glad you're okay.
If the chassis is undamaged, that's just aluminium sheetmetal. If the chassis is bent, it's a goner. That's the first thing i'd try and evaluate in order to know if i total the car or not...
The insurance company is going to salvage this car I think.
This was a hit and run. I chased the jackass for about a mile at speeds over 60 MPH. There were no vibrations and the car seem to track straight. I doubt the suspension is bent.

This was a hit and run. I chased the jackass for about a mile at speeds over 60 MPH. There were no vibrations and the car seem to track straight. I doubt the suspension is bent.

Well done sir....
Gary, so sorry to this happened to you. Since you're in the north east, I'd PM Joe (aka pbassjo) and have him look at it. So glad you and anyone else weren't hurt by this Asole.
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It's a nice sentiment, but most alcoholics don't have two nickels to rub together. I'll probably wind up suing the insurance company or the person who loaned him the car (Mom). He doesn't have a license or a car, of course, because of multiple DUIs, probably.


The owner of the car is just as liable as the drunk driver (unless the drunk stoke the car).
Drunk drivers are the cancer of our society, good thing no one was hurt, cars can always be repaired and or replaced.
The owner of the car is just as liable as the drunk driver (unless the drunk stoke the car).
That's what I thought.

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This really pisses me off, does he need to kill someone before he's locked up for good? He needs permanent residency inside a 6x9.
Well in the State of Rhode Island it is certainly true. I've had 3 cars destroyed by drunk driver, and in EACH case the driver had multiple DUI's and a suspended license. In this state the legislators that write the lenient laws are the same lawyers that defend the drunks. We don't even require suspected drunks to submit to a Breathalyzer, though there is a penalty for refusal. So, yes they must kill someone. The public is to blame as well. Every time we ha-ha, wink-wink at a story of someone driving home drunk, we add to the problem. Instead of laughing it off we should call them what they are... homicidal idiots.

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Drunk drivers are the cancer of our society, good thing no one was hurt, cars can always be repaired and or replaced.
I absolutely agree, Joe. Think of how many times they probably drove impaired before they got caught or killed someone.
The fact that this sounded deliberate is what really infuriates me. He could have killed you. Too bad he didn't roll the truck, get tossed "clear" (I'm sure he wasn't the kind to buckle up) and end up under the thing. Would have quite possibly saved someone's life down the road.

As to insurance...hang tough. Don't accept any offer without sleeping on it, unless it is totally and obviously fair. Your insurance carrier may well point to Kelly Blue Book or NADA. Show them the Hagerty value guide.

I was rear ended in my Accord back in 2010 by a drunk driver while sitting at a stoplight and I luckily came out of that unhurt so glad to hear you are ok!

Hang in there with the insurance stuff! Hopefully you get a resolve soon.
The fact that this sounded deliberate is what really infuriates me. He could have killed you. Too bad he didn't roll the truck, get tossed "clear" (I'm sure he wasn't the kind to buckle up) and end up under the thing. Would have quite possibly saved someone's life down the road.

As to insurance...hang tough. Don't accept any offer without sleeping on it, unless it is totally and obviously fair. Your insurance carrier may well point to Kelly Blue Book or NADA. Show them the Hagerty value guide.


I'm told that in Rhode Island, the insurance companies are required to use NADA. For an average NSX, the NADA actually looks higher. I hope to talk to my lawyer today.
Who are you insured with? I was forunate with progressive where at first, they tried to screw me with a value based on year/mileage. I told them to pound sand and a manager came back 2 days later with a value based on "vehicles for sale 'near' me comparable in condition, mileage, year, etc". bumped up their original offer 10k. Hopefully it plays out that way.
Gary, happy that you're OK, your car was "mint"!! Hopefully the insurance company will make you whole, and you can get the bigger boat you wanted. That'd be a "win-win" for you, but still a loss to the NSX community!!!
Glad that you are ok, but what a shame about your car. Hopefully your dealings with insurance work out in your favor and you can get her back on the road soon.