driving in rain?

14 July 2005
I'm on the search to acquire an NSX, and it will be my daily driver. As it rains 6 months/year, how is it in the rain? Anything unique characteristics to be aware of?
meeks said:
I'm on the search to acquire an NSX, and it will be my daily driver. As it rains 6 months/year, how is it in the rain? Anything unique characteristics to be aware of?

I have one thought for you, u need to see that video that acura put out of the NSX, I think I got it off this site somewhere, maybe some one can point you to it.. u will be amazed
Car handles great around the city in rain.
I actually had a blast last friday nite when it downpoured.
No traction or handling problems
It didn't seem to get pulled into the water when I hit a puddle, like other cars in my past have.
You will amaze friends when you hit a 6" deep puddle and you shoot up a wall of water 10 feet tall and then it comes crashing down on your roof like you have just been hit by a tidal wave. Just wish I had someone taking photos of that.
Highway, I'm not sure of, but of course we always are careful with our cars!!!
Living in Seattle, and I can tell you it's amazing. I've been driven on almost bald rear tires in winter and early spring... couple minor incidents coupling oil slick and crosswalk markings (some drifting which is fun when I didn't hit anything nor spun, well my wife's lecture is a different story though)

yes, I never felt the pulling in the puddle sensation as my other car does.

Yes, you need full tread tires.

Please, go sign up for a HPDE or even autoX days, preferably in Rain, for once. Then you know exactly how it drives in rain.
zantech, about 3 hours north of you...Vancouver. Not quite 6 months but some days it sure feels like it !!!
The NSX is absolutely the best car i've ever driven in the rain. So much fun and stable as hell. My other car is a Audi A8 with quattro, funny thing is the NSX is a better car in the rain. So dont worry,just have a good set of tires and go have fun. :smile:
It would be interesting to hear what brands and model tires everyone is using. I get outstanding perormance in the riain with Bridgestone S03 Pole Positions.
I was using my RE010s and while I had more than 2mm tread left, the feeling was fairly unpleasant. That tire is serious about performance in summer only.

When I switched to the Yoko ES100 (It was still raining in the bay area), the difference was noticeable and immediate. While the dry performance may not be as good as that of the RE010s, the wet performance is superb. Feels as stable (or more. Can't say) as my prelude in the rain.

It was my daily driver througout the rainy season. I am switching to the prelude occasionally these days to savour the feeling of newness when I get back into the NSX after a brief hiatus :biggrin:
Its my daily driver car. This week it seems to rain quite a lot. It does not hinder me to drive over 80 mph. :biggrin:
Even though mine is pretty much a daily driver, I just can't seem to bring myself to drive it in the rain. I think maybe because I hate the rain spots on my back paint?!?