Driving from San Fran to Los Angeles...

22 July 2001
Bethlehem, PA
Hello everyone, I'm hoping some of you people living on the West Coast will be able to help me out. In a few weeks I'll be going to California on vacation with my girlfriend, so I was hoping to get some advice.

We're flying into San Francisco and spending a few days there, then we're going to rent a car and drive down the coast to Los Angeles. I've already got what we're doing in SF and LA pretty well planned out, but I'd just like some suggestions for our drive between the two cities.

We're planning on stopping somewhere about halfway to stay overnight, then finishing the drive the next day. I'm not real interested in winery tours or anything like that, I'd just like to know some of the more scenic destinations along the coast, and also find a good halfway point to reach in the late afternoon so we can stop and relax. A friend of mine suggested Morro Bay as a good town to stop in that's near other scenic stuff, but I really have no idea.

So if anyone has some suggestions for things to see and a good place to stop and do some exploring before we spend the night, I'd really appreciate it.
The coast drive..

Hi... I would second the suggestion to stop off at Hearst Castle. We like staying in Cambria. It's a great little town, a bit more commercialized than it used to be, but what isn't these days. If you can, stay at a hotel along Moonstone Beach. The scenery is beautiful, and if you are lucky you will get a sunset like this one!

