Drive noise

11 January 2024
When switching the ignition on and you press the brake pedal the is a loud single click noise from behind the glove box and through the shifter. (relay?)
When you shift it into M1 or Drive noise goes away when you press the brake pedal. Occurs only when you press the brake pedal and no gear selected.
Any ideas.... whats transpiring ...
A model year would be useful information because the later years received the paddle shift mechanism. Nothing obvious on the early cars that would create a noise where you describe.
Just a guess: sounds like the shift interlock solenoid.

Even More Guessing: It might be on the fritz due to a high resistance short in the brake or other intermittent connection to the solenoid.

Send video or audio file and we might be able to get enough information give a better response.
I presume that Drew is referring to the Shift Lock Solenoid on the early cars which is mounted on the right side of the shifter mechanism. This is the diagram for the early cars.

Auto shifter.jpg

Definitely not behind the glove box. For confusion it does appear to be called a Shift Interlock Solenoid on the 2000 - 2005 models. There is a shift Interlock Control Unit which controls the Shift Lock Solenoid and it does have a relay in it. However, the service manual is not forthcoming on the location of the control unit. It will operate at the same time as the lock solenoid so that might also be what you are hearing - if it is located somewhere under the dash.

As an observation, your Shift Lock Solenoid is operating because otherwise you would not be going anywhere (stuck in park or neutral). The lock disengages when you apply the brake when you are in park or neutral and stays that way once you are in any of the drive gears so it is normal that you would not hear any noise when you apply the brakes.

It seems like it is functioning correctly because you can drive the car. But, the noise may indicate a wear problem or that the Shift Lock Solenoid might have come loose. This might be something worth checking out because if the Shift Lock Solenoid jams in the Park / Neutral position you are not going any place.