So I was crawling under the back of the car and noticed what appears to be grease or oil caked in the area around the left rear axle/hub. Below is a picture. Does this look like it's from a tear in the CV boot, or a leaking shock, or something else?
The black gunk was spattered heavily on the inside of the left oem wheel when I took it off months ago to put on these BBS wheels. At that time, I looked at the boot and didn't see any tears, but maybe I missed it? If it's still spattering on the new wheels, it's hard to tell because there aren't many miles on these wheels yet.
Any thoughts on where the grease/oil is coming from?
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The black gunk was spattered heavily on the inside of the left oem wheel when I took it off months ago to put on these BBS wheels. At that time, I looked at the boot and didn't see any tears, but maybe I missed it? If it's still spattering on the new wheels, it's hard to tell because there aren't many miles on these wheels yet.
Any thoughts on where the grease/oil is coming from?
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