Dream Car: NSX

5 March 2018
Hey guys, I’m only 13 at the moment but I really want a NSX. It’s been my dream car for a while now and I’m coming to ask for some tips in purchasing. Also, what to look out for and of course, what’s the best mods etc., also wether to import from Japan or buy it in state. Thank you guys for your help, any info is appreciated.
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Welcome to the forum!

Ahh I still remember when I was still a kid and made my first post here on prime. Here's the thread I made back in 2009: http://www.nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php/127867-Hello-from-Toronto

Fast forward a number of years and I have owned my car for almost two years!

A good place to start reading is the wiki: http://www.nsxprime.com/wiki/Main_Page

You can find information on the improvements made in each model year as well as some of the components on the car that are known to fail over time.

Good luck and hope you achieve your dreams!
I have a 13 yo son....do your parents approve of you being on this sight ?
Hey guys, I’m only 13 at the moment but I really want a NSX. It’s been my dream car for a while now and I’m coming to ask for some tips in purchasing. Also, what to look out for and of course, what’s the best mods etc., also wether to import from Japan or buy it in state. Thank you guys for your help, any info is appreciated.
Well..You may want to consider a Bar Mitzvah Registry..
very true...:eek:.....but you would be surprised how well two like minded parents can filter the internet:wink:
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I wish either one of my sons were interested in cars ha ha. They could care less. Millenials? To the OP. You can achieve anything. Focus determines your reality. Focus on your perfect NSX, it will happen. I suggest an NA1 because its more visceral. But given your age I'm sure an NA2 might seem antique by the time you're old enough to buy one. Good luck! You can do it.
Well, you're ambitious, I have to give you credit! Save, save, save! These cars cost far less to own than a Ferrari, but anyone who tells you that it's no more costly to own than a Civic is badly mistaken. If you have your heart set on an NSX, I get it, but you might consider an S2000. They're a lot of fun and cost far less to purchase and maintain than an NSX and would probably be a more realistic choice. Good luck!
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