Drain plug has a washer, should i take it off?

"darn black paint on it made it stick to the drain plug.."

Sounds like the crush washer has never been removed.
(Installed then painted at the fartory?)
That is a crush washer on the oil drain plug to help from overtightening the drain plug and damaging the threads to the oil pan or the plug. The best way in my opinion is to put the drain plug in a vise and then use some channel locks and clamp down on the crush washer and turn it off. Do replace the crush washer though. The part number for the crush washer is 94109-14000 from Honda and you can purchase a bag of them for your oil changes. Usually after two oil changes the crush washer is "crushed" and you should change it.
Are you sure you are looking at the crush washer and not the flange washer that is actually welded to the drain Plug? My '04 has a flange washer attached to the nut and the crush washer goes between that flange washer and the pan...

Are you sure you are looking at the crush washer and not the flange washer that is actually welded to the drain Plug? My '04 has a flange washer attached to the nut and the crush washer goes between that flange washer and the pan...


was not welded on....
The last person who torque the drain plug didn't use a torque wrench and over torque the drain plug, and the crush washer was smashed. Use a pair of vise grips on the washer and try to back the washer out. If not, buy another drain plug. You need the washer to keep the oil from leaking.