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Downforce [Competition] - Cold Carbon Intake System

7 April 2001
This is what you will win. Except we will be using a dual stage foam filter which will have a more efficient cleaner and more flow rate because of the size of the filter area.

this is the original of what it will look like when installed.

Okay guys as you may know the we are going to be releasing the much anticipating the new cold carbon intake with much thanks to Vance. Vance donated the intake to be used for the community. This is where you lead your own fate, and not by some random drawing. Battle it out in the ultimate game of wit, bluff and luck.

So I will be setting up an online competition of:

Entry Fee: $15.00 via Paypal
Players: 64 (Minimum of 50 players to get game going)
Start Date: 3/27/2009
Time: 12:00 GMT

1st Place: gets the intake with 2 sets of filters
2nd Place: gets an Air Intake Scoop
3rd Place: gets our standard issue DF mechanic shirt
All Contestants will get the group buy discount of $125.00

Paypal me at [email protected] $15.00 and provide me your screen name on Prime. Only one duplicate entry is allowed. List will be formed First In, First Out (FIFO). Once I receive the payment I will post your screen name here.

Wait for me to list the player list on post #2. Once all 64 are listed you will be paired against 1vs2, 3vs4, 5vs6, etc....... PM me your choice of attack. Once both attacks are made, I will publish the attack. DO NOT POST YOUR ATTACK CHOICE HERE ON THE THREAD, ONLY PM ME. If you post your attack on the thread, then you will be disqualified and your entry will be refunded in full. The both attack are the same, it is a draw and you will need to resubmit. This is a single elimination event. Okay I was a little drunk when I posted this so to make things easier for international guys here. I'll spread the game over the weekend. There's over 9 rounds I believe. The faster everyone responds the faster the next round will proceed.

Once the winner emerges, you will have to wait up to 2 weeks to receive the intake.
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Post #2

Player List

If we don't receive all players and you guys don't want to wait for more players I will forfeit the game and refund all payments.
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LOL, Roshambo tourney. Awesome :biggrin:.
It could also double as a nice raffle... (or ponzi?) haha jk
You guys have no idea how tough it was to duplicate this one, DF sold their soul to make it work... The finished product is absolutely amazing!!!
Can you post the time in GMT for the International customers?
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I would prefer to buy one. If I say I know Vance and pay cash, could I get one tomorrow? :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I believe the price should be around $775. For everyone that is entering this tournament they will be receiving an optional $125 discount if they lose and can opt to purchase at their discretion. This is taking into consideration that our version is improved because the inside will be smooth for better airflow compared to the original. Also the intake is complete carbon, which his more rigid, stronger and lighter then the original Mugen version. We are also using a higher flow filter which will trap more dirt and prevent dirt from entering into your intake valves when compared to the oiled cotton gauze used. We will be flow testing this filter versus the Mugen OEM for CFM rates and also filter efficiency. Dyno testing will be done and provided for you in the coming weeks or month.
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thanks very much for the info... it's a product to consider, but right now i have a lot of other priorities.... it's a part to get in the future..
Very nice piece and i will be interested in getting one too........i really can't join the game since i will be hard at work at that time (11:00AM here in Hong Kong).

I believe the price should be around $805. For everyone that is entering this tournament they will be receiving an optional $100 discount if they lose and can opt to purchase at their discretion. This is taking into consideration that our version is improved because the inside will be smooth for better airflow compared to the original. Also the intake is complete carbon, which his more rigid, stronger and lighter then the original Mugen version. We are also using a higher flow filter which will trap more dirt and prevent dirt from entering into your intake valves when compared to the oiled cotton gauze used. We will be flow testing this filter versus the Mugen OEM for CFM rates and also filter efficiency. Dyno testing will be done and provided for you in the coming weeks or month.

Is there going to be a comparison between the OEM or uni filter as well? It would be interesting to see where it lies relative to the common systems too.
I will be doing the following tests on the filter.

Flow testing the Mugen Cotton/Oil filter
Flow testing our Dual Foam/Oil filter
Flow testing our Dry Paper filter

We will be measuring CFM under a certain pressure load. Please understand that the Foam filter will likely flow the best and clean the best, but the usage of the foam filter is only good for 15,000 miles or so and needs to be cleaned out. The oil cotton flows good as well, but does not filter well. Also of particles will seep through. Actually the cotton/oil filter only works after it gets caked up in dirt because the fabric is so porous that it allows lots of dirt in. The paper filter is the best cleaner, but will not flow as good as the cotton/oil or the foam oil. The only way a paper filter can perform good is to have a large filter surface area. The paper filter we can building is suppose to use the latest dry flow fabric technology so the flow is enhanced.

After all this I will be using a dyno to verify results.

As for the game, since no one is signing up for it, you have the choice to wait until the spots fill up or you can get your full refund now. Just email me or PM to let me know. Thanks!!!!
Re: Downforce [Competition/Group Buy] - Cold Carbon Intake System

I personally do not like raffles and that is why I'm offering a tournament style where you can fight for your chance to win. By entering in this game it is also securing a spot for the intake at the group buy price. Until the intake is fully done I will have a solid pricing, perhaps by Tuesday. I will just keep this game open until it fills.
I will be doing the following tests on the filter.

Flow testing the Mugen Cotton/Oil filter
Flow testing our Dual Foam/Oil filter
Flow testing our Dry Paper filter

For what it's worth, in their 1996 catalog Comptech stated that the
- stock paper filter in the stock airbox flows 316 CFM
- UNI filter in the stock airbox flows 338 CFM
- UNI filter in the Comptech airbox flows 525 CFM

I asked them how much the stock air filter flows in their airbox but they said they never tested that. In any case, the foam air filter flowed 7% more at a certain pressure than the stock paper filter did. And since they printed it on paper, it has to be true.
Thanks for the numbers. We will be pulling our CFM numbers from 7,500rpm so the number could be different from Comptech numbers unless they are testing from the same RPM.
i can already see the outcome of the Rock, Paper Scissors battle

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HrHk42l-UFc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HrHk42l-UFc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I'm in.

Player List
Dam only 3 players?? $15 to win an $805 piece and no one wants in?? I guess everyone is a baller like Mike C (my hero) and wants to pay full price......:eek:
Dam only 3 players?? $15 to win an $805 piece and no one wants in?? I guess everyone is a baller like Mike C (my hero) and wants to pay full price......:eek:

Yeah every one is waiting for performance numbers even though I would think just the look of it would be enticing. I know a carbon lid is selling for 290.00 and its strictly looks from other vendor but, Once we get the numbers back every one can make the decision
Okay I got some updated information about the setup.

Here are the results for the flow test at the flow range of 6, which is the same used on the Comptech test.

599 CFM Hi Flow Filter
566 CFM Clean Flow Filter

We will be dyno testing on Wednesday so I can get actual performance benefits as this CFM does not tell you anything important.
Okay we just got some Dyno numbers in. We might make another run just to compare other intakes.

Here are the results from a 1996 NSX Stock with 100,000+ miles on a Dynapack 3000. Measuring the HP from the wheels with 0% correction for the transmission. There are a few items in the dyno that didn't make sense so if anyone wants to dyno test and post their own results, please do. The operator told us this dynometer generally provides lower HP results (more conservative). I would like to go by % rather than HP as it seems to be more logical that every NSX has different HP at any given dyno runs.

Baseline Stock NSX: 218.2 HP
Baseline w/ Unifilter Drop In: 222.1 HP
Baseline No Filter / No Box 198.2 HP
Carbon Intake Mugen Filter: 222.7 HP
Carbon Intake Hi Flow Filter: 224.6 HP
Carbon Intake Clean Flow Filter: 226.4 HP
Baseline Stock NSX: 216.3 HP
Baseline Stock NSX: 216.1 HP

Here are the puzzling results. The more restrictive filter yielded the highest HP and was third to the last run. By the end of the run we wanted to see how much HP was showing at the end and it was about 1.7 ~ 1.9HP less than the first run. Perhaps the car was getting hot, coolant levels were fine and stable. No overheating issue. The rear hatch was left open. No air was blown into the side vent. There was a fan cooling the front radiator. The unifilter netted a 3.9 HP gain. When we removed the airbox and filter it resulted in a 20.0 HP loss. Each run was conducted approximately 5 minutes apart once the car was setup. There were about 4 test pulls done before we got any numbers out because they were dialing the settings such as the gear ratios, control speed, rpm sync, etc. We have pictures, but I don't have them with me because I didn't bring a camera.

So the results are that it does work. Depending which baseline HP you believe is correct the results vary. HP gain is this stock NSX is from: 8.2HP to 10.3HP. The reason we dyno in this order was from laziness you can pretty much see what we did and we didn't want take things on and off twice.

Notes from the graph. The Torque graph showed more torque improvement right away from the very starting 2000 rpm to 7555 rpm. The only rpm range where the Torque was close to the stock was at peak torque 4,550 rpm. The power graph looked pretty close to each other. The HP started to show increase at 3,700 rpm of around 2-3 HP gain by 5,500 rpm the power gain is 5 HP. The peak power was around 7,700 rpm. So the power gain is has a somewhat wide spectrum. The sound is very noticeably different, the guys all liked it. The clean flow filter is superior in cleaning efficiency than the cotton gauze in the Mugen filter. Our foam filters outperformed the Mugen filter. Since the baseline on this car is so low, I would prefer to use the % gain instead. I believe if the car had a higher baseline the HP would be higher. Since this product does net power and looks bitching I am glad to announce that I will begin selling this product.