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Down Force license plate bezel sale

31 October 2007
Holiday sale on rear license plate bezel. List 125.00 plus shipping
10 bezels in stock 100.00 plus 15.00 for shipping go to web Downforce.biz
or contact me sam or pm gianina [ dfsales ] :biggrin:

oh sorry guys I forgot to offer you the led light rail for 20.00 normally 25.00 =) (added 12-11-07)
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I apologize we E-mailed you the day we sent out on 11-30 usps you should have gotten them weeks ago same state. I will contact you in a little while to take care of you right away.
Will the discount be applied when you purchase it? The website reflects the original price.

Thank you

actually the easiest way is if you pm salesdf and give her your e-mail so she can send a pay pal link for the discounted prise .. otherwise we will have to refund it on paypal .. or call in to our office :biggrin:
what else so you have specials on? I wanted to buy the license plate trim, the door sills, the stacey side skirts with the door piece. Any specials for combined purchase? :biggrin: :biggrin:
Holiday sale on rear license plate bezel. List 125.00 plus shipping
10 bezels in stock 100.00 plus 15.00 for shipping go to web Downforce.biz
or contact me sam or pm gianina [ dfsales ] :biggrin:

You can put me on the list for one. I'll call in the morn.
Hello guys we have a new painter our other painter kept messing up our parts and even sanding and buffing was not fixing them and as some of you know he was also making some parts way to dark. So we have a new painter that should get our quality up to our normal level. So I have shipped a few bezels out and need to ship out the rest. I do have 3 Bezels right now but I don't like the finish or quality of them so I would rather wait to send out the kind of parts I would put on my car. If any one would not like to wait any longer I can send you one of the ones we have if you like it keep it if not send back. any other questions please PM thanks again guys for your Business. and for your understanding and support while DF goes through these important changes. and a few new products will be out soon.
what is the "led light rail" you speak of?

its a really nice LED bar that mounts to the the top of the bezel and lights up ur plate really nice. I will get some pics and post this weekend :biggrin: