Door switch panel refinish

27 July 2007
Denver, CO
Has anyone attempted to match the metallic gunmetal finish on the door switch panels? I am going to be re-doing mine this winter and was wondering if anyone has done this. I know the material on the panels is a vinyl wrap over a metallic foil base layer. Do you think there is a wrap out there that would match? Or am I better off sanding and painting like others have done?
yikes Honcho thats walking the line of Newbe question LOL

some people that have done it. I have seen a few that look very good

and they also sell alum kits off ebay

I am thinking about gettig it scroll to the bottom where they have colors

I was thinking the real brushed Aluminum look but kinda like the reg aluminum

and after a few years if you dont like it pull it off and try another color
I have often thought of these kits also....I did one many years ago on my Mazda Millenia and it was a perfect match to the factory wood. It never came loose or anything, and actually looked decent.

Like Shawn, I have thought of an Aluminum look, but I see it does not include the ashtray door, and the area by the e-brake doesn't seem finished...just kind of has a gap there...maybe it works ok though?

Has anyone actually done this stick on kit, if so, I would really like to see some pics...

Honcho-my guess would be that it would be similar to redoing the radio/HVAC center console...which many have said is time consuming to get the old foil wrap off, but worth it in the end....after the OEM surface starts to peel.
I had mine painted by a local company that does touch-ups for collision repair shops. I think it was Honda Graphite Grey. It's not as shiny as the original so maybe they used a flat or semi-gloss instead of gloss.

An alternative might be to go with carbon fiber replacements (as opposed to wraps). Some vendor on Prime was selling them but I think you had to send them your originals first so maybe it was a higher quality (ie. non-DIY) wrap
Who cares if it has been discussed a Zillion and one times. This is the first time the OP asked it. Answer it or just move onto the next post. Remember, we are all here to enjoy ourselves, not feel stupid about a question we asked!

This is what I love about Shawn....not only does he help you with your question, regardless if it has been 'searched a Zillion times,' but gives accurate information as well!

Do a search. It's been discussed a zillion times
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Thanks guys. Yes, I did a bunch of searching but couldn't find any info about paint or wraps that match the OEM trim color and texture. I considered CF single-weave like the NA1 NSX-R, but it looks too busy with my ivory interior. The closest I got was LarryB mentioning that Joe @ Vince's Auto Body re-did his trim and got it to match. Looks like I'll be giving Joe a call lol. :)

This company does switch refinishing just like you are looking for. He specializes in Ferrari but you can send him your switches (or any other interior part) and he will refinish them to new.

I have read a lot about his work on the Ferrari forums. Everyone raves about his work!