Door stuck shut...Help!

21 October 2004
Valencia, CA
My driver's side door is stuck shut. The locks are operational but the door handles inside and out will not open the door. I'm guessing some sort of linkage/mechanism inside the door panel has broken or come loose.

The problem is I can't remove the door panel because my door is stuck shut :eek:

Is there any way to open the door by hooking something from the top through the window slit?
Crap! Looks like a major project. Thanks for the links.
Sorry bud try the passenger side an good luck.
My driver side door is also jammed, couldnt open it for days. Good to know I have a talented crew that was able to open the door without damages.

Looks like a lot of work to replace the door actuators not to mention the $470+ for the part :eek:

Still patiently waiting for the part.
So I just ordered the part. I read in detail the threads. I'm now thinking that most of the trouble was in opening the door. Fortunately I don't have that issue currently. I'm going to give a go at replacing the unit. As best I can determine, that portion may not be that bad.

Thanks for all that posted. I'll confirm when I'm clear.
My driver's side door is stuck shut. The locks are operational but the door handles inside and out will not open the door. I'm guessing some sort of linkage/mechanism inside the door panel has broken or come loose.

The problem is I can't remove the door panel because my door is stuck shut :eek:

Is there any way to open the door by hooking something from the top through the window slit?

I just had the same problem last month, it's a hard fix Simon and with some collateral damage involved that can not be avoided, get the replacement part first before you start working on this. I bought mine for $250 in a junkyard here in the Valley that have tons of parts for the NSX. Call me up if you have questions on how to get this done 818-357-8542. It's very tricky to get into this part to replace it once your door lock mechanism is already broken with the door close but I did it.