Door Dinger caught in action (by me)

2 May 2002
Back to HK
Nope, it wasn't my NSX or my other cars that got dinged.

The incident took place this past saturday when my gf and I went to the mall. Once we got to the open parking lot, we immediately noticed something's going on because the entire lot was packed. I highly believe it was due to Filene's One Day Sale where all the house wives and their kids were there to rape the place. As we were driving around looking for a space, I saw the typical mother/kid combo getting out of their car. The kid, who was no older than 10 years old, was in the passenger seat and when she opened her door... BAM... it slammed into the door of the car next to hers. I didn't know if the mother did the same to her side but one thing for sure is, she didn't give a crap that her kid just ruined someone else's property. After closing and locking the doors, the mother and her child went on to their path of shopping spree without hesitation in checking out the damage they caused.

Personally speaking, that wasn't a pleasent scene. Then again, I guess I shouldn't be too disappointed as I've no expectation for those irresponsible people in general. I won't blame the kid for her actions as she's still pretty new to the world. All I can say is, the mother is definitely doing a poor job in disciplining her child. Inconsiderate parents are something I can't stand. Speaking of those parents, I've a whole bunch of them living in the same apartment building. Just when I thought my building's parking garage is the safest place for my cars, WRONG. Stupid parents would actually let their kids write all over people's windshields and let them ride their bikes in the parking lot, thinking they're cute or something... :o

Sigh... at least I feel much more relieved now after letting all this out.
I think I might have been tempted to leave a note on the car that was hit.

Something that explained that I saw the door being hit...with the license number...description....etc.

If, when someone spotted this sort of thing haappening, a note were left on the victims car, maybe (eventually) there would be less in the way of door dings.
I would have either left a note on the car that was hit and not say anthing, or I would have let that mother know she had better do it herself or I would. That would hopefully teach them something.
My kids are 5, 2, and 1 and this was one of the reasons we traded in our Lexus and bought a Honda Odyssey with the power side doors.

When my kids are in the NSX they know to be very careful and wait till I come around and open the door for them. Even my wife knows how important cars are to people and to be very careful.

One time I came home and my wife was nervous about something. She told me she put a door ding on the NSX. I know my wife and how careful she is so I didn't get upset at all. She then explained that they were parked in the garage and she gave one of the kids a piece of candy and they started to choke on it and in her panic she threw open the door. So you know I didn't care less and would rather push my car off a cliff then see one of my children suffer for a minute. Furthermore - for a $100 and a couple hours time they can make it like new.

Still there are a lot of people that just don't give a damn about anyone else and obviously they are passing that along to their kids. Imagine if the woman offered to fix it in front of the kids and took the money out of the kid's allowance? That kid would have learned about their parent's respect for others and the consequences of doing something and not thinking. In the end - I really feel more sorry for the kids.
Jimbo said:
I think I might have been tempted to leave a note on the car that was hit.

Something that explained that I saw the door being hit...with the license number...description....etc.


Good thinking. Just to add to this, I'd also leave my contact information as the car owner would need an eyewitness to the event in the chance that it might go to court or something.
i would have beat the mom in the head with the car door of her vehicle not mine .............then i would have taken the kid to baskin robbins and made the kid watch me eat a bananna split.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D
bacon said:
i would have beat the mom in the head with the car door of her vehicle not mine .............then i would have taken the kid to baskin robbins and made the kid watch me eat a bananna split.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D
Can't quit laughing at the thought of the kids watching you eat the banana split. :D
bacon said:
i would have beat the mom in the head with the car door of her vehicle not mine .............then i would have taken the kid to baskin robbins and made the kid watch me eat a bananna split.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :D

I'm just glad you didn't say that you would beat the kid in the head and make the mom watch you eat a banana split.:rolleyes: Seriously, as a police officer, what can you do if you witness this? Do you have the ability to write a ticket for an unlawful ding and run offense? :D
i wish we had that code section in the law book it would be right next to driving while stupid unfortunately there is no would be a civil case and you would probably have to have us make a report and then you fight their insurance company......just be advised that a lot of police departments will not take a report for this kind of incident because it is civil......they will tell you to exchange insurance information and fight the insurance company that is why i say beat the mom with her own door........and make the kids watch you eat some ice cream........your car doesn't get fixed but you sure feel a lot better.........hope this helps:D :D :D but if you do see it occur it is great if you leave a note and a tag of the vehicle that did the damage that way when the victim finds the huge crater in their prized possesion we can find the perp and they have a greater chance of getting their car fixed.....if someone dings my nsx please leave me a note so i can get the idiot to fix my car.....
For those of you reading this thread who are police officers. I pose the forllowing question. At what point does damaging a vehicle and leaving the scene become a hit-and-run accident?
mark it is going to vary from state to state but in general for it to be a hit and run there has to be a moving vehicle striking another object, ie person, another car, or a fixed object then leaving the scene.....when you have a car door opening into another it becomes civil because for there to be a criminal act we have to be able to show probable cause that the individual meant to cause damage ......another words if your girlfriend finds out you are cheating on her and puts some nice dents in the hood of your beautiful nsx then we can make the charge of criminal trespass or criminal damage to property depending on the amount of damage....and the punishment for denting your hood is lethal injection:eek:
Any time you learn something, no matter how off-the-wall, it is worth the time. However, I have been in the same sort of situation and know exactly what you mean when you say "stupid".
I do agree with the idea leaving a note on victim's car. In fact, my gf have done that in the past. It's just too bad we didn't have a note pad nor a pen at the time :(
Put the blame squarely on the parents!!!!! I have 2 boys ages 4 and 7....and when we park...if we are very close, i tell them to open the doors very slowly and to be careful not to hit the other car...AND THEY LISTEN!!!!!! Now they love driving around in my beater truck (which i can care less about) but it teaches them to respect others property....I HATE when children run rampant because a parent cant PARENT...and we wonder why government has to pass so many laws about being personally responsible...ok..ill stop ranting!
I also agree with putting a note on the car. Even if it's just a "sorry"; better than nothing.

Wasn't there a thread posted here not that long ago about someone who door dinged and got shot? :confused: don't remember the details properly...