Door cover removal

20 July 2004
Barcelona (Spain)
Hello everyone.. I would like to know how can I remove the door cover in a 1996 Nsx to change the speakers. I have removed 6 bolts but i still unable to remove it, Is there any special think I have to do? Thank you very much and enjoy your Nsx!

A very good description. I only miss one point: How do I lift the door panel exactly? I couldn't remove mine without might breaking it. D o I have to start at one end?

goldNSX said:

A very good description. I only miss one point: How do I lift the door panel exactly? I couldn't remove mine without might breaking it. D o I have to start at one end?


I just finished removing both of my door panels on a '92 and the the way it seemed to work best for me was this:

(1)remove and disconnect door handle, and 2 sash covers
(2)remove all screws from perimeter of door panel
(3)pull all the perimeter tabs that were held by screws out from behind the rubber seal so that the sides and bottom of the door panel are free
(4)you must then break the tension at the top of the door panel under the chrome strip - hold the door panel on each side and gently exert some upward force until the door panel pops free

Hope this helps.

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after you get all the bolts off it is easiest for me to start at one end to get it off the track. Don't pull the bottom out at all because that will just increase the pressure at the top. Hold it close to the door itself and lift up from one side to get loose.
Count the screws as you remove them - there are 8 securing the door handle & seven around the perimiter of the panel.
Excellent tip from John to pop out the tabs from behind the rubber before trying to remove the panel.
I find it easiest to pull out & up at the top of the panel, at the end opposite the hinge. It tends to be tight coming over that bracket for the trim piece, but once you pry it out slightly, it will come. I find it easiest to use one hand to leverage it out away from the bracket, with my other atthe base of the panel immediately below to apply the upward motion. Then you are going to rotate slightly continuing in the same direction (depending on which door i.e. clockwise for driver's door) to release the rest of the panel from the track.
Something that is not immediately obvious until after you get it off the first time - the chrome strip remains on the door - it is not part of the door panel.
Be gentle & be very careful once you get the panel free, as you will have to disconnect several electrical connectors on the door panel before removing it completely - you have a little free play, but if you try to just lift it away without looking inside you'll rip off the wires, most likely on the illumination connector! It is possible to lay on the ground after you have popped out the panel from behind the rubber strip, locate them & disconnect before you remove the panel.