Don't you think Acura logo on NSX hood is ugly?

28 April 2000
SF Bay Area / Boston MA
Is it just me or does anyone else think the silly looking oval A emblem look dumb on our cars? I think it doesn't match the look of the car at all. I'm ripping my logo off ASAP. Just having a beveled silver thing just looks wrong on the beautifull hood/bumper.
Put a red Honda badge on the hood...
Originally posted by kenjiMR:
Is it just me or does anyone else think the silly looking oval A emblem look dumb on our cars?

Must be you. I like mine.
I think the silver Acura logo from the back center piece of the 2002 NSX would look good up there. Anyone know if you can buy just the silver piece?

[This message has been edited by DONYMO (edited 26 June 2002).]
I felt the same way, so I just swapped it with a red Honda badge. Quick and easy fix (and relatively cheap).

In addition, the aftermarket badge "felt" it looks better and is that much quicker! heh

'96 Black/Tan NSX-T : Dali Street/Race SwayBars
Originally posted by kenjiMR:
Is it just me or does anyone else think the silly looking oval A emblem look dumb on our cars? I think it doesn't match the look of the car at all. I'm ripping my logo off ASAP. Just having a beveled silver thing just looks wrong on the beautifull hood/bumper.

I know what you mean this would be so much phater and kewler yo. J/K

1994 Red/Black NSX #418
Forums Nazi Groupie

I would suggest using a heat gun to soften the glue that holds the lens on the assembly. Only heat up about 3-4 inches at a time and pry the lense apart slowly. I also used a razor blade to cut away the glue as I pried the lense away.(the glue stretches like gum and you need to cut it away as you pry so it doesn't harden back together). The "ACURA" logo just pealed off with my fingernail. I also removed all the excess glue on both the lense and in the groove that the lense fits into to ensure that it would snap back together correctly. I used silicone sealant to re-bond the two pieces together.

All together it took about an hour or so to do everything. The key is to go slow and be patient. If you try to rush things you will crack the lense around the edges. Let the heat gun do the work of softening the glue as you go and you'll be fine.

Good luck.