Don't forget to pack your gun for NSXPO '02


Legendary Member
3 February 2000
McKinney (Texas) couple unharmed in armed attack

Dallas Morning News 9/11/02

Manolo Barco, Staff Writer

Doctor says wife's cool head saved their lives; man, accomplice sought.

Dr. David Avery didn't know what would happen next as he lay face down on his driveway with an assailant's submachine gun aimed at the back of his head.

But within seconds, his 70-year-old wife, Patricia, had retrieved (her) .38 caliber revolver fro the couple's pickup and opened fire. Her 5 shots forced the gunman to flee.

Neither Mr. Avery nor his wife was injured, but police said Mrs. Avery might have wounded the masked gunman.

According to police, the incident took place (Sunday) as the Avery's were returning to their home in a rural area north of McKinney after attending a gun shop in Mesquite. Dr. Avery said that as he backed his ... truck into the driveway, he noticed a small green car pull in front of him. Then a man wearing a mask and blue clothing and brandishing an AK-47 jumped from the vehicle and ordered the 70-year-old man to get on the ground.

"My wife carries a .38 revolver and started shooting," Dr Avery said.

Positioning herself behind the passenger side door of the couple's truck, Mrs. Avery squeezed off 5 shots, Dr. Avery said. Fleeing toward the green car, the suspect returned fire, striking the couple's car several times.

A few hours after the incident, Allen police were dispatched to a suspicious call on Stacy Road. According to police, they received a report of a man who was bleeding in his car on the side of the road. When police arrived, the car was gone but some blood was found on the side of the road.

Monday morning, sheriff's deputies recovered an abandoned green 1997 Honda (from) behind a building ... north of McKinney with what appeared to be a bullet hole in the rear window.

The vehicle was reported stolen in McKinney on Saturday. Police said they have recovered some physical evidence from the vehicle.

Dr. Avery said he is "admittedly somewhat angry" about the incident, but as thankful he and his wife of 51 years were OK.
Holy smoke, that is what I am talking, grandma giving it to them, and she hit the SOB, too, guess he's more likely to die from embarrasement than from his wound. Now where the hell is my 45 at?
Maybe we should split the participants in the track event into the "armed run group" and the "unarmed run group", just to keep things competitive within each one.
A gun, I noticed if used properly is a great tool and a lot of fun. And usually in any situation that you don't like, the thought of eating a bullet keep everyone in their perspective.
I live about 7 miles from the Hotel for NSXpo. Here in Texas we take gun safety and our right to carry seriously.

Most of the time :-) I had an old boss that always made dumb jokes about car bombs near deadlines. I hung a target riddled with about 100 rounds in head and center mass on my office door with the caption:

"Car Bombs are so impersonal"

I never heard another stupid car bomb joke!

Serioulsy, it's suprising how often the press leave out any stories of legally carried and properly used firearms stopping crimes. Most of the liberal press is so against our right to bear arms that they go out of their way to talk about AK-47 (submachine guns) and other crap when they're used by criminals.
To the press, everything is an AK-47, hell they probably categorize a sling shot as a sub-machine gun, too if it shoot fast enough. If you own a gun, just use it with common sense and safety in mind and you will be ok
dumb civilians,jk. first of all there's no such thing as hand guns. they are called pistols. gun are what you find on a gun ship , or in a military artillery, such as a howitzer gun. guns are not small as to where you can hold them with one hand while firing. there is such a thing as a submachine gun, but that's besides the point. oh yeah, an AK-47 is not a machine gun, its an assault rifle.
also, its a magazine, not a clip.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Maybe we should split the participants in the track event into the "armed run group" and the "unarmed run group", just to keep things competitive within each one.
LHD cars favor lefties who can shoot and shift at the same time... interesting to see how the "flash-to-pass" signalling works
Originally posted by Lud:
P.S. Leave it to the media to call an AK47 a "submachine gun".... Idiots.
The media at one time even claimed that the .357 Magnum is so powerful that it can eve pierce through AN ENGINE BLOCK!!! The truth is, nothing short of .50 BMG can get the job done. If the media can't even get this little bit of common sense technical info correct, imagine them discussing more serious and complex issues like global warming and greenhouse effects, to name but a few. Personally I take the media with a grain of salt.
Originally posted by NSXrebel:
oh yeah, an AK-47 is not a machine gun, its an assault rifle.
also, its a magazine, not a clip.
To be more specific, I believe the Civilian version of AK-47 variants (the ones that doesn't require special machine gun licensing, which is impossible to obtain here in the PR of Kalifornia) have been called semi-auto sporting rifles rather than assault rifles, since they can only fire one shot at a time with a squeeze of the trigger. Assault rifles are reserved for the REAL AK's that has safety on-off switch selectable to full auto mode.
Also, any ammunition holding device that inserts and stays attached onto the firearm and utilizes springs attached to the follower to feed the ammunition cartridges into the firing chamber are indeed called magazines. Those simpler ammo holding apparatus that doesn't use springs or any mechanical leverage to guide the ammo into the chamber but hold them in place are called clips.

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 14 September 2002).]
As for the correct definition of sub-machine guns, these group of firearms are reserved for the class of fully automatic machine guns that shoots pistol-specific calibers, can be held one-handed, and tend to be shorter and lighter in size than full-size machine guns/assault rifles. Good examples of submachine guns would be the famed UZI (9mm), MAC-10 (.45ACP), and H&K MP-5(9mm).
Citizens fighting back. Now that is something good to read about. Thank God that crazy jerk didn't pull that trigger on the old man.

here in the free state of florida I have two security systems for my car.the oem alarm and my after market 9mm.we are allowed concealed carry with permit which I have and my wife.but that story is crazy and the ak stuff not worth addressing.btw we can carry in our car without a permit as long as it is concealed and stored in the glove box or under seat in holster does not matter if the holster is snaped or not.I am asked all the time 'loaded' like unloaded will do you any good.But I am a firm beleiver in safety as I have a two year old and all guns stay in locked safe and I have a lock box near bed with four digit code I can unlock in a couple first.
Originally posted by Lud:
P.S. Leave it to the media to call an AK47 a "submachine gun".... Idiots.
LUD, I agree. the cops and media mis labeling semi automatic versions of the military weapon is stupidity and maybe even a tactic to reinforce there anti gun position. but who knows the criminal could have been in posession of a fully automatic ak or a conversion.have seen a lot of them in FL come into law enforement hands in drug stings and gun running ops (busts)but you were probably correct in stating it was sa.they would have really played up the return of fire from the bad guy as a storm of bullets riddled the poor couple car.and yeah you go grandma

those texans really like their pistols and rifles.

my great uncle, a texan, was coming back from a hunting trip up in montana. he had reached northern texas in a fairly isolated area when he pulled over to the side of the road to take a leak. in the distance he saw a cop car with a car in front of it, the lights were going and there appeared to be something unusual. he took out his scope and checked out the situation. there was a cop laying on the ground with a man, wearing a prison uniform, changing a flat tire. the cop was handcuffed and the guy had the cops gun.

after seeing the guy had just finished fixing the flat, pick up the cops gun, and start to walk over to the cop, my greatuncle decided he had to do something. he slapped the scope back on his hunting rifle and dropped the guy with a shot through the leg, then drove up to the scene and radioed the police. needless to say, the guy was an escaped convict. my greatuncle got a citizens medal/award of some sort. gotta love texas.
David - Regardless of which version of AK-47 it was, it was not a submachine gun. See Zanardi 50's description a few messages up.
Originally posted by Lud:
David - Regardless of which version of AK-47 it was, it was not a submachine gun. See Zanardi 50's description a few messages up.
Lud, I do understand the get picky the only way it could even remotely be classfied loosely in that sense is if it was a krinkov the short barreled model designed for paratroopers and tankers although compact in size the rifle cartrige would preclude it still from being a subgun. M3,M-10-11,mp-9 mil test ver of all these K series and tec series never really got off the ground due to problems with the open bolts hardness.was not up to snuff.Kg-9,Kg-99,Tek9,all flavors of Uzi..pistol,mini and carbine.and the HK'S Mp5 ,Sp9 ,Brit STEN,Chech Skorpian IN 32 caliber , South African Kommando.THESE are all subs but not all F/A or select clarify further I guess it could be said that only the F/A versions of these weapons are sub machine guns and the others semi automatic versions of a subgun. I was only trying to point out it could have been FA.I have a grasp on weapon technology.only wanted to to point out it could have been even remotely possible a F/A weapon
Can't take a concealed weapon across state lines can you? I wanted to bring mine with me to NY when I visited but was told to leave it at home.
