Does this stock NSX look too tall?

2 July 2002
Oslo, Norway


[This message has been edited by BITeR (edited 27 January 2003).]

[This message has been edited by BITeR (edited 27 January 2003).]
Are you trying to guess the height from these 3 pics? unless you get a clean side profile, your guess is as good as any 4 year old...

92 NSX #483
94 CBR900RR
If it is higher than normal, They may have put spacers in the springs to make it easier for them to load it onto transporters, etc.
It looks to me this NSX is at standard height. You might be confused by the fact this particular ('91-'93)NSX is (still) using its original 15" and 16" 5-spoke wheels which tend to look small after a while when you see nothing but 17" and 18" rims on most of them.
The car in question is for sale from Fugel, a well-known German Honda-dealer. You might ask them for the VIN. They often have serveral NSX's for sale.
I think I see part of the problem. It looks like the wheels aren't round, which to me would indicate, someone resized this photo, and didn't maintain proportions, so the x axis is reduced more than the Y axis making everything look too tall.

Yes, that's the other car they have in my price range. That one too looks too tall. I agree that the photo on the second car is messed up.

For the first car in this thread, they claim about 50 000 miles. looks like 100 000.

I'll stay away from them this time too.
Originally posted by gheba_nsx:
PS: hey, this is my "1'000th post"!

Congrats... only 7000 before you catch NSXTASY!

ABOUT THE PHOTOS.... camera lens distort what the car looks like. if you want to accurately photograph the NSX, shoot with a standard 50mm lens (it's closest to what our own eye sees). Anything less (eg.<35mm) will distort, so u can make the car look heigher/lower/fatter/etc..