Does this car look like a good deal? JH4NA1157PT000345

Re: Does this car look like a good deal?

In this market, it's priced a tad high. Also, the wheels are a bit tacky in my honest opinion. Good thing they have the OEM wheels.

I'd say you can hold out for a better deal...

Good luck,
Re: Does this car look like a good deal?

I disagree. It's overpriced. The mileage is low, but you can find a comparable NSX for (at least) a few thousand less. And the wheels look horrible.

However, it appears to have the original front lip, supporting the fact that it is original and unmolested save for the wheels. The thin front lip hasn't been made in years. On pre '97 NSXs, you'll notice that the original, thin front lip has commonly been damaged and hence replaced with the thicker, stock '97+ front plastic lip that's available today. The condition of an original front lip should be a good indicator of how carefully the car was driven. Actually, given that I've gone through at least a couple lips in 4 years, the fact that the original lip is still on the car is a good sign.
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that is probably the only nsx for sale in Mass. Last time I was there the classifieds had 0 listed. It does appear free of oxidation though. Buy one in the south and spend the xtra 4-6k on a killer road trip provided you are one of the lucky ones left that doesnt have to work a zillion hours a week
Make them an offer.
Seems high to me, but then what do I know.

Make sure the timing belt/water pump service and all of the hoses have been changed. That will cost a few thousand $$$ and there are cars out there with the maintance already done. I see little extra value in a 30k mile car vs a 60k mile car.

good luck with your search!
It is a nice NA1.
A car with that few of miles is hard to find, but because the age of the car, it will need some TLC.
If all the service records are with the car and the TB has been serviced, it will be hard to find a better NA1.

I would ask for a discount, because you will have to change those wheels. The OEM 91 - 93 are better than what is on the car today.
Looks like a nice car with low miles. If all of the service records are up to date, make an offer. Please don't try to do all of the low ball numbers to the seller. If I were selling a car and someone did that to me, I would refuse to sell them the car even at full offer. I really hate that crap.:frown:
I looked at this car. It is in fairly good condition, but shows evidence of being owned by persons not too high on cosmetic or other maintenance. There have been three owners so far and it originally came from Ohio.

It is free of serious blemishes, but the paint needs to be compounded. The original wheels look unbent and free of corrosion but the surface of all four suggest that the wheels were sitting of the ground face down. They would need to have the scratches sanded out and compounded.

Car has not yet been detailed and the drivers bolsters are fairly worn. Everything seems to work okay although I did not check the AC or heat.

The timing belt is due to be replaced.

A good project car for someone who would enjoy bringing it back to pristine condition, but it will require some work.