Does this bug you too?

6 November 2002
I don't know why it bothers me so much. I can't stand seeing VTEC spelled so many funky ways. I see V-tech so often that most people think that's how it's spelled. But what really gets me going is to see our local Autotrader magazines. Whoever prints the ads up over there always takes the liberty to change VTEC into Vortech. Local dealerships love to do that. Am I crazy?
White92 said:
I can't stand seeing VTEC spelled so many funky ways.

Yes, but I find this disturbing as well:


-- Joe
JoeSchmoe said:
Yes, but I find this disturbing as well:


-- Joe

I am sorry, but I have to agree with Joe. It nearly gives me a headache everytime I see it. How about a new one?
NetViper said:
I am sorry, but I have to agree with Joe. It nearly gives me a headache everytime I see it. How about a new one?

Me too - particularly the eyes. If that one makes you feel drunk, how about we compromise on one that makes you feel really buzzed?

Edit: Per your signature, 83.6% of people agree with us!


  • Feelbuzzedinstantly.jpg
    3.6 KB · Views: 545
LOL, that's a great bit of creativity <B>White94</B>!!! LOL :D

Maybe Lud will remove his avatar on the grounds that it's "animated" ... whenever i look at it, it moves. :p
Do us all a favor, ONE pair of eyes per human?
HAHA! I never would have guessed that my avatar would bother so many people. I had it emailed to me along time ago and kept it because I thought it was a pretty cool picture. When it was emailed to me, it was actually titled, "Feel Drunk Instantly." So some of you are correct. I have another one that I would love to use, but it actually is animated. Do that many people want me to change it? Maybe we should start a poll thread? :)
No, I could care less about how the rice boys spell their fake accessories.

The only thing that bugs ME is a thread topic that does not spell out what it holds. You know, something like


instead of the more informative:

Since we are on the subject of annoyances...

Soichiro said:
I could care less about how the rice boys spell their fake accessories.
I hope I'm not opening up a can of worms, but this expression bugs me. I was always taught the expression is "I could not care less" not "I could care less."

Both are used to convey "I don't care." While it is clear that "I could not care less" means this ("I care so little it would be impossible for me to care less"), I'm not sure how "I could care less" does.

Is saying "I could care less" careless? :confused: Does anyone care?
Ojas said:
Since we are on the subject of annoyances...

I hope I'm not opening up a can of worms, but this expression bugs me. I was always taught the expression is "I could not care less" not "I could care less."

Both are used to convey "I don't care." While it is clear that "I could not care less" means this ("I care so little it would be impossible for me to care less"), I'm not sure how "I could care less" does.

Is saying "I could care less" careless? :confused: Does anyone care?

I could care less: less caring, It could be a thought.
I could not care less: I truly do not give a sh#t. The bottom, No question.

Ojas said:
I hope I'm not opening up a can of worms, but this expression bugs me. I was always taught the expression is "I could not care less" not "I could care less."

That has always been one of my pet peeves. Most people mistakenly say "I could care less" instead of the correct "I couldn't care less".

"I could care less" - i.e. It's possible that I could care less than I do, so by simple logic it follows that I care to some non-zero degree.

"I couldn't care less" - i.e. I care so little that it's not possible for me to care any less, so by simple logic it follows that I do not care at all (degree of caring is zero).

Just another example of people saying things that they have not thought through.
nsxr1 said:
That has always been one of my pet peeves. Most people mistakenly say "I could care less" instead of the correct "I couldn't care less".

"I could care less" - i.e. It's possible that I could care less than I do, so by simple logic it follows that I care to some non-zero degree.

"I couldn't care less" - i.e. I care so little that it's not possible for me to care any less, so by simple logic it follows that I do not care at all (degree of caring is zero).

Just another example of people saying things that they have not thought through.
Oh man, I get so annoyed by the "I could care less" comment too! Another thing I've noticed so much lately on some other boards that bugs me is when people spell ridiculous incorrectly as REDiculous.
MarkB said:
"Where I am at, we....." is one of my biggest peeves. Why do people insist on using the word 'at' in this manner?

I think it is a southern thing. It drives me nuts!
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by MarkB

"Where I am at, we....." is one of my biggest peeves. Why do people insist on using the word 'at' in this manner?

NetViper said:
I think it is a southern thing. It drives me nuts!
It may be a "southern thing" but, I seem to hear it in most parts of the country.