Does a late model spare fit in a 95

26 July 2008
Hollywood Fla
After upgrading my 95 brakes and wheels to 2002 OEM . Ive realized the spare will not work with the 2002 set up .But a 2002 spare does not seem to fit in the 95 spare holder . Any Advise?
It fits, very tightly....

It will rub on the harness on the RH side of the frame (it will rub right through the wires, so you gotta protect it with a shield.)

For 97-00 on the ALB modulator a fitting w changed from 90-degree to 45-degree and the ALB bumper for the spare tire is also moved to give extra room.
In addition the lower radiator pipe was repositioned to be lower. This would really be a very tight fit in an earlier car, heck, the correct spare is a tight fit:).

I have a yellow spare in my car as I upgraded to the 97+ brakes, so it DOES fit. I have used this spare too, so I highly recommend it.

I did not know about the repositioned lower radiator pipe.

I'm about ready to get my vacuum pump out and see if I can reduce the diameter just a tad...because as Larry says: it is tight.

I have a yellow spare that has the tread worn down that I will give away if you or anyone wants to pay the shipping.
No help, I realize, but wanted to recommend again to any Prime members that a AAA membership gets you free tows. I've changed tires on the side of the road, and add to that having to inflate the spare - I'd rather just flatbed it. Also... weight savings! :tongue: