Do you know this abbreviation?

Do you know what the abbreviation MLM means?

  • Yes, I know what MLM means.

    Votes: 34 40.5%
  • No, I don't know what MLM means.

    Votes: 50 59.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
4 February 2000
Chicago IL
Here's a quick poll for you.

Do you know what the abbreviation "MLM" stands for? Yes or no? Please vote honestly.

If you first learned of the abbreviation in this other topic, then please vote "no", since you did not know it before that discussion began.

You can look up the meaning in the discussion in that other topic.
no clue :(

I guess this means I need to wade through what looks like a long thread to go find out.....
Read the topic...still have no clue :confused: Looks like you better widen your driveway to fit another NSX!
Read the topic...still have no clue :confused: Looks like you better widen your driveway to fit another NSX!

ah yes...scamway. Now I see. If you asked that question on the Ferrari board all the Enzo owners would tell you about their path to success...riiiight? :rolleyes:

I figured since Ken was asking it was some kind of computer term :)
Don't underestimate these organizations. They recruit hundreds of thousands with promises of easy money.

There is almost a "brainwashing" that goes on in these seminars. They are smart, they get the right guys doing the talking and look for a certain type of person to recruit. People that get "recruited" are NOT necessary poor or stupid either, I work with several Doctors who got "taken".
EssTooKayTD said:
i actually still have no idea what you guys are talking about.

I get you to sell something for me and you make money and I make money. Then you get your friends to sell the same thing for you and they make money, you make money, and I make money.

The plan is eventually I will sit on my butt while you all make money for me in the hopes that someday you will get to sit on your butt too while others make you money. and so on....

What is most often the case is only those individuals at the top make the money and everyone else loses. OR the creator of the scheme sells a video tape and makes a lot of money from selling the tape. All along he has his top people in the scheme testifying how they all got rich peddling the crap the company sells.
steveny said:
I get you to sell something for me and you make money and I make money. Then you get your friends to sell the same thing for you and they make money, you make money, and I make money.

The plan is eventually I will sit on my butt while you all make money for me in the hopes that someday you will get to sit on your butt too while others make you money. and so on....

What is most often the case is only those individuals at the top make the money and everyone else loses. OR the creator of the scheme sells a video tape and makes a lot of money from selling the tape. All along he has his top people in the scheme testifying how they all got rich peddling the crap the company sells.

sounds like a normal company to me :) you work hard at first to get to the top so everyone else can make money for you.
You can always tell these type of companies, they are more interested in signing up new people then they are selling the product.

I have a friend who lost a bunch of money to one of these companies trying to sell long distance, when they see a weakness they truly exploit it.

To this day he still doesn't think that he was scammed, I guess a great con artist always keeps you in the dark.
Carguy! said:
You can always tell these type of companies, they are more interested in signing up new people then they are selling the product.

More than that, signing up new people IS selling the product.
Multi Level Marketing?
What is it? Can you give me a example?
It sounds like a shopping mall with several floors.:D

By the way, I CAN buff a car with buffer and CAN remove a scratch by hand polishing. My daddy and uncles taught me.
pbassjo said:
Multi Level Marketing?
What is it? Can you give me a example?
It sounds like a shopping mall with several floors.:D

By the way, I CAN buff a car with buffer and CAN remove a scratch by hand polishing. My daddy and uncles taught me.

Congrats!! :) Post it in the detail forum.

It means "multi-level marketing"...

Anybody who's looking for "Something for nothing" knows the answer to this question!
OMG! Lock this down - QUICK! :D