Do you ever forget that your NSX is a Honda?

2 September 2002
Birmingham, Al.
I know this sounds a little odd but when asked about the cars I like and I mention the NSX, Viper, Corvette. I shock people because all they think is:


These people are usually the blue blood type that buy a car for the name and haven't a clue about the car itself. I was thinking that there is some degree of truth to this. When a car goes so far beyond what the company's reputation is said car no longer seems to be a part of that company. I think that is why Porsche, Ferrari stand out because everything in their line reflects each car in that line. (That's why I predict that the Porsche Cayenne SUV will be a flamming disaster and it MIGHT have a 2 to 3 year shelf life.)

The NSX (quality & reliability aside)is nothing like anything in the Honda line (maybe the S2000.) I've never thought of a kid putting an Accord on their wall and day...

The Viper...The words exotic and Dodge have never gone together until the Viper. Muscle cars maybe bit not Exotic.

The Vette...Everything else is Chevy about as far from an Exotic as they come.

To be fair that is a U.S.A view. When I was in Europe people flocked around the Corvette like it was the second coming.

In short do you sometimes forget that the NSX is a Honda?... I'm not bashing Honda at all but I see the two (NSX and Honda) in two different worlds. I guess it might be the flashyness of the NSX.)

Oh yes, I never put the words GT-40 and ford together because of how different the new GT-40 is to the general Ford line.
There's been a lot of consolidation in the automobile industry. Many prestige brands are now owned by bigger automakers. Ferrari is owned by Fiat, Jaguar and Aston-Martin by Ford, Rolls-Royce by BMW, Bentley by Volkswagen, etc. Do you think of Fiat when you think of Ferrari?
I think what NSXtasy mean is like

a) different faces of a bigger company ( brought or branch out )..selling different caliber lines of products..

b) so when we are buying some branded stuffs, keep in mind that other companys are behind owning and pulling the strings of the "branded" or vice versa..

for guitars for example.
Epiphone by Gibson ( they brought Epiphone )
LTD by ESP ( they didnt brought LTD )

something like that...

not that of the actual word meaning.

Originally posted by kenjiMR:
Honda didn't buy Acura...
So I don't think Fiat/Ferrari analogy is accurate.

[This message has been edited by BostonNSX (edited 24 September 2002).]
i actually own a honda accord and an nsx. the accord is my foul weather ride and i always think of the nsx as it's distant know the one the accord would brag about at cocktail parties (or in this case, at the commuter parking lot) as the famous athlete or a hollywood movies star that they are some how related to (however far removed) and thus...implying they must have some similar qualities or perhaps can introduce you to.

i guess what i'm saying is my accord uses it's relationship to the nsx to try and get laid!
I'm always reminded that my NSX is a Honda. My NSX clutch travel and take up feel very very similar to my old 91 Integra. You can't just let the clutch come up on its own or the car will just jolt. Its not a bad thing. Just takes time to master.

The BMW that I drove was just the opposite. Clutch take up is so smooth on that car.

Maintenance parts for the NSX aren't too expensive just like other Hondas. The NSX even has small braces on the side bottoms for putting your jack. All Hondas have that, where as other brands like BMW and Toyota don't.
The bigger companies owning smaller yet higher prestige cars reminds me of when people wont buy American or vice/versa but has no idea of where the car was made/designed etc. A Fold Crown Vic is about as Americanish sedan as they come and it is made in Mexico. Well Mexico is in North America. Funny thing about Jaguar is that they start selling better once people found out that Ford owned them and thus now have better quality control. To me it doesn't matter who makes the car if they maintain the true roots of that car/car company. Then again if the Corvette or Viper were ever made anywhere outside of the good 'ol USA I think they there would be an uprising like no one has seen before.

To me an Accord is a Honda and a NSX is a Dream.
Originally posted by Marvin Lee:
The NSX (quality & reliability aside)is nothing like anything in the Honda line

First, I don't think you can put quality and reliability aside. That's what distinguishes the NSX; it has all the quality and reliability of any Honda. Just like every Lexus has the quality and reliability of any Toyota.

Second, I think the NSX has much in common with many other Honda/Acura models. Its VTEC technology is now available in many other cars, with its high-revving gearing advantage. In fact, the NSX has the lowest redline of the three Acura models in my garage.
I think some people get too hung up on brand names. I don't buy cars (or clothes) to impress other people, but to satisfy my own needs and desires. You could slap a Yugo badge on the NSX, and with all else being equal(quality, reliability), I would think no less of it. To me, cars aren't jewlry--something to show off, but art--a personal and emotional expression of ourselves.
Originally posted by Marvin Lee:
...In short do you sometimes forget that the NSX is a Honda?...

I remember every time I get in and out and read "NSX Manufactured by Honda Motor Co," on the side step panels.
A little off topic here but as far as quality goes anything Honda builds is top notch in my book. I like to mow my own yard and do all the trimming with a Honda push mower. The mower is about 10 years old and it has ALWAYS started on the first pull, even the first time I start it each season. As well, I have NEVER had to take it in to be repaired. I think this does say something about the quality of a Honda product.
I remember my NSX is a Honda every day when it runs, starts and drives so reliable (ex Porsche nut here). It wouldn't matter to me if there was no Acura and all Acura cars were branded Honda's like overseas. In fact, I wish my NSX had Honda emblems, I'm just not so sure I can justify the cost of the tail pieces. Just my opinion
Originally posted by Marvin Lee:
In short do you sometimes forget that the NSX is a Honda?...

It's actually much scarier when I forget my Civic isn't my NSX....and I'm heading into a turn WAAAAYYYYY too fast! Yikes!!!!

(c'mon, if your daily driver is a *KNOW* what I'm talking about!)

Originally posted by AnotherNSXGuy:
It's actually much scarier when I forget my Civic isn't my NSX....and I'm heading into a turn WAAAAYYYYY too fast! Yikes!!!!

(c'mon, if your daily driver is a *KNOW* what I'm talking about!)


Wow... that's a problem I too experience. (I have a 92 Acccord Coupe with suspension mods.)

Everytime I get in the NSX, I always look at the cool Manufactured by Honda plate. Brings a bigger smile to my face (kuz I'm already smiling when I see the car).
havent really experienced what your talking about. i dont think anyone ive met has equated the viper as just a dodge, the vette as just a chevy, or the nsx as just a honda.

the nsx isnt real well known around here. so they are always asking what it is and surprised it is an acura. hell, im surprised acura makes this car. people love the viper and sure dont think of the neon as a distant cousin. the vette is a little different because there are so many of the damn things. still, people think 'the really nice chevy'.

i think what you may be getting at is the name branding thing. badge wise, no one is going to be impressed by the hood ornament on these vehicles. the ferrari, lambos, porsches are a badge thing. i say i drive a dodge, big deal. i say i drive a ferrari, well, doesnt really matter which ferrari to joe blow, he's 'impressed'.

to use an analogy, i guess id rather be a 'nobody' who can pick up chicks because they like me, than a 'somebody' who gets the look because of my name.

the dodge viper and acura nsx are like that, the name means little, the car shines without (or in spite of) the badge.

hey, i could drive a yugo and nobody would know what it was and nobody would be impressed enough to ask either.
Never, as I have converted my NSX to a "Honda" NSX.


Originally posted by Marvin Lee:
do you sometimes forget that the NSX is a Honda?...
In Australia, the NSX *IS* a Honda... no such thing as Acura here. So we're reminded of it everytime we look at the sexy "H" logo on the front and tail...

doesn't matter what brand it is, it's the sexest car on the planet. nuff said. =)