Do Not Buy This Car

15 December 2003
Newport Beach, CA

I had been speaking with this guy on the phone for about a week, during which time he stated that the car had Comptech gears, and that the timing belt had been done. After I gave him a $1000 deposit, he said that in fact the car did not have Comptech gears and that the timing belt was not done. Resultingly, I no longer wanted the car (there were serious titling issues as well - the title is not in his name - it's in the name of some guy in New Jersey.... Ryan (the "owner") has the title, but the car is not titled? Obviously, I was lied to and when I told him I was no longer interested, he hung up on me. I have been unable to contact him since. Bye bye $1000. It pains me to know that people like this exist.
There got to be a way to get your 1000 dollar back. File a police report, keep your proof of the 1000 dposit through some sort of receipt or paper, whichever works. Or if you have talk to someone else about the car, or the deposit, prior of sending him the deposit - They can be your witness. Contact the local police, or look up on-line, which state he lives in, then file a police rport over there over the fone.

So you need two police report, (your and his locations' police offices,) proof of the 1000 dposit, tell the police about the title issue, and witnesses. I am sorry, but give this MF hell, i would.
First off I have been up all night excuse me for some bad advice my brain is not all here..

sorry to here about this...Shams are pathetic..

these are the thoughts that entered my head on what you could do. people previous stated police , file police report, small claims..

2. If there is a news/media person trouble shooter. try to get them to do an article on this person.

3. you have his phone...Make some assorted flyers with the flyers stating give aways or super low prices for assorted stuff. Distribute the flyers in his city..or place free ads in his local newspapers with his phone number..stating call between different times of the 7am 6 pm..only after 10pm etc..

it was annoying when he hangs up on you..think of how annoyed he will get with all these calls coming in from all times of the day..

(yes yes a little childish but I have been up all night)
NCC-1701D said:

3. you have his phone...Make some assorted flyers with the flyers stating give aways or super low prices for assorted stuff. Distribute the flyers in his city..or place free ads in his local newspapers with his phone number..stating call between different times of the 7am 6 pm..only after 10pm etc..

it was annoying when he hangs up on you..think of how annoyed he will get with all these calls coming in from all times of the day..

That's a creative way to bug someone, but he will probably end up changing his phone number, and then maybe you've lost your only contact with him.
I clicked on the "get phone number" in the box on the top left side of the listing, and I Googled the number which is different than the one listed by Ryan.

Here's the information:

T Stewart, (801) 766-6266, 83 E 2350 N, Lehi, UT 84043

It's pretty strange that there is another number listed that reveals another person's name. You may want to call this T. Stewart person and see how they are related to the car.

Good luck!
I'll begin the small claims process tomorrow (giving him a full 24 hours to refund my money), and barring his moving to Mexico, I should win hands down.
Regarding his address, I did have that, in addition to 2 of his bank account numbers, and home phone #.
I intend to send him a sequence of three letters, the first stating what happened (paper trail) and that I'll need my deposit back. The second will be Certified, restate and attach the first, and warn of legal action in ten days.
Third will include both the previous letters and state that I'm filing appropriate legal documentation.
After this, I will involve my lawyer, who will simply bill this jackass for his time (he's not cheap). Hopefully that will resolve my problem.

NCC-1701D: thanks for bringing a smile to my face today - it'd be hilarious to put "call after 10pm"!
That's a creative way to bug someone, but he will probably end up changing his phone number, and then maybe you've lost your only contact with him

Good point...wait til 95Mr2Turbo gets his money back first....then blitz him point #3.

NCC-1701D: thanks for bringing a smile to my face today - it'd be hilarious to put "call after 10pm"!

np anything to keep other prime members smiling... :)
I have to agree that #3 should be the proper approach. You should however topped it off by installing surveillance camera facing the inside of his house. :D
when I told him I was no longer interested, he hung up on me

HELL NAH :mad: , i would go to the police, take him to court and get my money back. BUT then, i would go back over there and whip his sorry little a$$!! i dont play that sh*t. i cant stand it when people think they can rip you off with out any consequences!! it might be the ghetto in me but HELL NAH, dont let that slide. Sometimes a good a$$ whupping just makes you fell better about wasting YOUR time to get YOUR money back. sorry if that offends people but HELL NAH!! heheh :D
NSXSupercar2004 said:
Take his ass to court will wins hands down. Sue him man and you will get compensated for the money you spent takin him to court and to cover your emotional distress. If you have his number thats all you need, plus you have his address.
Good luck..........
Some dude tried to keep my deposit for a GP Bike that I was going to purchase. He wouldn't return my deposit - took him to small claims . . . got all of my deposit money back + an additional amount for time and expenses :D :D :D
ss_md: did you have a receipt or any documentation stating that you had intended to purchase the bike with that deposit? Also, I'd love to learn the proper methodology to get my money back. If you could, shoot me an email or PM me with some details. Thanks!

Erick: Believe me, I would LOVE to fly out there and kick this guys a$$. He's obviously a spineless loser with no sense of ethics. But I have to keep my cool and do it legally - after talking to you guys I think there's a pretty good chance I'll win in small claims court.

Thanks guys for the support. I sold the mr2 today so it's just a matter of days til i find a clean NSX that is owned by a human being who is not a waste of skin.
The same thing happened to me with a guy in FL a couple of year ago when I was looking for my current car. Guy was a complete scammer. Buying my first NSX was pretty easy, so I wasn't expecting it.

I phoned the local FL police, however, they considered it a civil case not a criminal matter; They did call him as a courtesy and he agreed to pay, but never did.

I used a collection agency, but they never were able to recoup the money.

I did not take him to small claims court, as I was in PA. Additionally, even if I had won, there was no guarantee I would be paid, that requires going back to court to enforce the verdict.

All in all, with time and distance it may have cost me just as much to try to get the money back. I was pissed for a while.

Good luck... for the most part, I have simply learned to mistrust hate everyone... kidding.. ; )
Have Contact

Talked to Ryan and he told me the car was sold to a guy in California. He went on to tell me about a white 91 for the same amount of money.

I gave him my # and he is calling me back with all the info. Seeing that I have contact with this jackass, is there any thing I can do to help?