Do I need a Lawyer??I know I need some advise!

8 November 2001
Whe'll I will make an effort to be as forthcoming as possible.
Last night my car(yellow NSX)my fiance's car (yellow Cobra)Aaron black (hyped out 626 Mazda)Cris (supercharged Red late model Cobra) out Sat.night went out to the local car show.
Afterwards we decided we would make the usual loop around town,grab some sushi,cruise past the clubs and if anything looks worth stopping for we will stop.
Along the way we aquired a couple of younger import type stringers that decided to follow.
There was no speeding (really I'm dead serious)No drag racing ,just a few friends out stone cold sober and showing off their cars.
Suddenly,down in the middle of the club areas,Cops on horses,unmarked,marked,bycycle cops stop us all and say they recieved a report that we were speeding as a pack doing 65 in a 40(criminal speed)in a short block area of 2-3000 feet long where we "did" turn and then stopped at the next light which is where we always go.
Were we there "yes" were we speeding "NO" .
We all replayed the entire evening through in our heads (including the area questioned)and all agreed amongst ourselves that we definatly were not speeding!!
Rather than argue w/ the officers (who were there and stopped us) which were not the officers that called in the complaint and asked the police to issue the request to show up in court on the 20th' of this month we all remained cooprative and were released to go at 2:30 am (we were stopped at 11:45).
the question is what the hell do you do with this.
Note.. They supposedly paced us but were plainclothed and unmarked and didn't have the time to stop us.Unless we were all drag racing theres no way we could have reached such speeds anyway by the next light and stop w/out jamming hard on the brakes(which one of us would remember).
Bottom line this is bogus and we all want to fight it.What would you say,do,etc.etc.
We all have a rule (NO STREET RACING IN PACKS)especially on public streets on Saturday night when we are out.
If any one of us want to race we meet at the track or on a desolate road out in the boonies and never ever in a metro area!!
We all stand accused of "criminal speed"
25 over the posted speed limit.
What to do????

It sounds to me like you got the royal treatment, since they got you for a mantitory court appearance. Around here, on the LIE, packs of cars traveling together get pulled, so there must be something about running with a pack that they don't like, IMO. I've been pulled over by two narcs, one threw something on the ground, shined a flashlight on it, and said that I threw it out the car window. The police are used to working together as a team, you and your friends are not. Talk to a lawyer, but you may find you need to defend yourself, and not go into court as a group.
GOOD OLD NEW YORK (Fuc&*n Sc^m) cops.
Yea they sure laid it on thick "but"
at least I didn't wind up in jail and they said we ran someone over..
Hey its Chris..just wanted you to know I signed up on the forum so I can also keep track of this post. I'm going to post something simmilar on the Mustang forum tonight...those guys arent the most helpful, but maybe they might come through with something. I'll send you an e-mail with the thread later tonight. I got some wheels turning on my side, if I come up with anything i'll let you know. Otherwise I'll call you mid week like we planned.
10-4 Cris ,Aaron talked w/ his father and all his Dads friends are supposidly lawyers.I'm gonna call my network lawyers from Primerica and my good friend Ralph who's in law school between these three we should at least learn what direction to go to minimize or dismiss this bogus charge.

Sounds good...hey this is an NSX forum..this place should be crawling with lawyers. All these high dollar cars and none of the owners are lawyers?
Also I just remembered, my best buddy has a good lawyer that got him out of a 64 point write up for acutally street racing. This was some time ago but I will see if he still practices.
Bill I have some good leads going over here...when I find out something more solid I will give you a call tonight...maybe around 10pm or so...if that is okay?

Originally posted by MYNSX:
I'll be available around that time possibly if not just post it...

Okay sorry about not calling..I just got home. I got the number for two lawyers, I will call you around noon today for sure. One is the lawyer that got my buddy out of the 64 points (ended up with only 5) and the other got another guy in mesa out of a street racing ticket. He ended up with 3 points. I know our goal is for a total dissmissal, our circumstance is different than these guys, so we should be easyer to deal with. Check out the posts in corral if you haven't yet..those guys are really pulling through for us in a major way.

Okay I caved and joined your prime site. I just feel left out of the circle.

P.S. How do I get a picture of my car by my name?

" I hope you have your wood screws in , because I am about to blow your doors completly off!!"
Ahh yes, I finnaly figured out what you ment by "LUD", I have to email him. Man I thought you went crazy.

" I hope you have your wood screws in , because I am about to blow your doors completly off!!"