Impatiently, no. I have been waiting since early December for the special tools I need. I have a snap ring 5 speed that I want to rebuild as a swap unit.
I agree the dual cone syncro is additional compared to most, but the basic design between it and a manual Accord is identical, right down to the snapring

. When you compare these two transmissions in the service manuals it's like a "double take".
I think if you know how to use a press, have the proper press jigs, and are OK with accurate measurements (including having the tools) for gear play, end play, etc, It would be the same as any manual trans for the "first time". By no means am I implying it is trivial or easy, and I would not attempt this from the perspective "Gee Boss, I always wanted to fix a transmission?!?!".
But... If you are experienced with manual transmissions, I think seeking the right advise from the more experienced folks in the community would make it easier. There has been at least one pictorial write up from Dave in BRLA (?).
I recall MB mentioning about 80 rebuilds was his count, I will surely try to have a chat with him prior to "diving in"

From you comment, I think you are NOT "missing something".
Good Luck, if you decide to do it, keep us posted!