DIY guide for valve adjustment

A quick search for "valve adjustment DIY" will yield the results that others have posted. :)
Does anyone loan out the special Honda tools (07MAA-PR70120 tappet locknut wrench and 07MAA-PR70110 tappet adjuster) used to do this job? If so, I'd like to borrow them now or in the near future. If not, where can they be bought and how much?
Does anyone loan out the special Honda tools (07MAA-PR70120 tappet locknut wrench and 07MAA-PR70110 tappet adjuster) used to do this job? If so, I'd like to borrow them now or in the near future. If not, where can they be bought and how much?

I've paid $63 discounted at the dealer for both. They really help, esp. at the rear bank.

Of course, the wiki tells this also. :D
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You used to be able to buy it at Amazon for $15 bucks. But they now longer carry it.

It is not 100% to have, but it does make it a little easier.

I would have loaned you mine, but DaveX has not returned it to me. I loaned out to him 2 years ago, and still haven't heard back from him.
You used to be able to buy it at Amazon for $15 bucks. But they now longer carry it.

It is not 100% to have, but it does make it a little easier.

I would have loaned you mine, but DaveX has not returned it to me. I loaned out to him 2 years ago, and still haven't heard back from him.

Damn you DaveX!
I have to agree with Larry... I have both tools and there no way that tool will work in the nsx engine bay.
Tool could be made by welding a nut on the drive end of a 10mm 3/8 drive or possibly 1/4" drive socket , find a suitable flat blade screw driver / cut off- shorten handle. Should be a pretty cheap tool to make.

If no body can come up with the tools, let me know and I'll get a price together to make up a few. Good luck, Bryan.
I don't think you will be adjusting any NSX exhaust valves with that tool. There is no room in the engine bay for it:).


I used this tool and it worked fine :rolleyes:. You have to cut the handle off near where the shaft ends in it. After that it slips right in place.
But Larry's right - without modifying it there's no way :biggrin:.
what's the quickest way to get 07MAA-PR70120 tappet locknut wrench and 07MAA-PR70110 tappet adjuster? I called my local dealer and they said they don't stock any tools and it will take 3 weeks to get them.
Ask some OEM-guys in the vendors section, they may stock it. When I got mine this year it was pretty fast. They didn't have them stock.