DIY for Type R Chassis bars/Rear Toe Links

I had made a quick DIY for the front bar install. I believe that it might still be on Dail’s web page but I can’t find it. Someone may have a copy on their computer though. The DIY I made was for those with the good fortune to own an air ratchet and the install was from the top of the car rather than from the bottom.


Thanks for trying DanO and Chris. I have searched Dali's site without any luck.

oh well, I will just try to "wing it"
I remember reading a DIY that said remove, spare, remove radiator brackets, remove this and that .....

My mechanic put the car on the hoist, took off the lower splash shield, trimmed the shield a little, and put in the bar from underneath.

The whole thing took less than 30 minutes.
Bringing this thread back to life as I am doing front and rear Chasis Bars and Sway bars.
I am going to go at this from beneath as JerryHo has said, it worked for his Mechanic.

Also, a question. Is the front drop link actually oriented in such a manner that it's truly an "Uplink" It appears that the link couldn't possibly drop below the lowest point of the suspension.

Anyone have a real good close up of the front Swaybar and droplink? If you have one with them under a load, that would be awesome as well.

I want to make sure that I am not screwing things up.
Also want to shout out to Alexandria, her write up about things being left loose, made me check everything carefully after feeling slop in the front end, turns out that some of the suspension bolts on the passenger side were loose.

Also anyone with the torque settings handy for all of the suspension nuts and bolts?
