DIY: CT "True" tensioner block install.

9 June 2009
under a bridge
after searching for the instructions on how to install this and come out empty handed, i figure i just do it here's how i did it.

time: 3hr + because i was too scare to go fast. First time. Didn't want to break anything.
your time: 1hr or less if you take your time

Disclaimer: Do this at your own risk, I am NOT responsible for your mistake or damage you cause to your engine. This is for preference only. If you feel uncomfortable doing this yourself, please seek professional assistant.

Tools you'll need, +/- some.

New bolts from Lowes. Shorter then one use with CT block. Perfect length. We all know the "True" block is thinner, that's y if you would rather NOT cut the bolts, go buy new one. I did.

1. disconnect battery
2. Study the belt route ...apologize for the amateur paint there.

3. Disconnect Green plug on alternator:

4. Measure and mark the length on the tensioner bolt, this way you can put it back to the correct tension as before.

5. loosen the 2 #6 hex bolts behind the ctsc tensioner block with a #6 allen wrench. Loosen, DO NOT remove.

6. Loosen the belt tensioner bolt with an 11mm socket. Did you remember to measure and mark the length?? i hope so.. back it all the way out but DON'T remove.

7. now that the belt is loose and the idler pulley can slide up and down. You can next remove the 2 bolts holding the ALTERNATOR in with the bracket.
Bottom bolt is a 17mm

Top is 11mm

slide the belt off the alt pulley and place the alternator to the don't have to remove the alt. from the car. Plenty of room on the side for it to sit in..since there USED to be a fan there inside the quarter panel, now it's just lay it there out of the way..

8. now Slide the idler pulley all the way UP to it's max on the bracket..
Tighten the 2 #6 hex bolts holding the tensioner block....Yes tighten them up because you don't want the block to move when you go to loosen the idler pulley's bolt..<

Here's why you have to do step 8.


9. Options here.
you can A) use the #8 hex tool and TRY to loosen the idler's pulley bolt or
B) use a #8 bit with socket and loosen it up, this is MUCH EASIER then option A) for me. More handle, leverage, and torque. Since mine were really, really on there..

10. once you have taken the idler pulley bolt out, you can remove the pulley from the car. Slide the CT tensioner block down to the bottom and it'll come out as 1 piece. Assuming you had loosen the 2 #6 hex bolts on the block far enough. Very easy.

11. Using 2 brand new hex bolts. Install the CT "True" tensioner Block. But DO NOT tighten down the bolts yet. You want it to grab a couple thread so it can hold in place.

12. Slide the "true" block behind the bracket and put it back like before you took it off. Put the idler pulley back like before, and torque down the idler pulley bolt.. basically do step 10 in reverse.. you should get the idea now..

13. Make sure the idler's pulley is bottom out. Belt still loose, make sure it's making all contact with the others pulley, crank, ctsc, etc...

14. line up the alt. and put the belt over the pulley..Install the Alternator's 2 bolts back.

15. Keep making sure the belt is in alignment, u DO NOT want it slip off the pulley's grooves. check it AGAIN, tighten down the alt. bolts once more to make sure.

16. now you can tension the belt.. best way to do this is to have the 2 #6 hex bolts on the "True" block loosen while you tighten down the tensioner screw..once you achieve the correct belt tension, u can go back and re-tighten the 2 #6 hex bolts on the "True" block..

That is how it should look after you did everything correctly.. I have faith in you. :biggrin:

17. plug the green alt. harness in. check the BELT alignment and tension one more time. All bolts and screws should be torque down.
install battery terminal.
clean up for nasty mess. Put ALL sockets and tools away BEFORE u start the car.

START HER UP and watch the belt. Making sure it's not touch anything..


go grab a beer.

oh yeah, i'm sure there's an easier way to do this but, i couldn't find it. No instruction having the alternator to the side, gave me much more room to use the socket wrench..which made things A LOT easier..

took me 2 hrs trying to loosen the idler bolt w/out take the ALT off and i was NOT successful..

please add comments, suggestions, or corrections so others can use this to make things easier..

thanks Prime..
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Made a mistake on the belt route..missing one pulley..i don't know the name to them so i just labeled them as "other" ..but you can see what you need to upload a new belt route pic.