Disney to Begin Renting 'Self-Destructing' DVDs

27 November 2002
You know, reading articles like these make me sad. Laziness now leads to tremendous waste. We have throwaway cutting boards, mops, wipes, and gosh knows what else.

Our landfills are going to grow exponentially as we get more of these use and toss products.

The EPA and other agencies should levy a fine for every disc that is wasted...


Fri May 16, 2003 03:32 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - This disc will self-destruct in 48 hours.
That is the warning The Walt Disney Co. DIS.N will issue this August when it begins to "rent" DVDs that after two days become unplayable and do not have to be returned.

Disney home video unit Buena Vista Home Entertainment will launch a pilot movie "rental" program in August that uses the self-destruction technology, the company said on Friday.

The discs stop working when a process similar to rusting makes them unreadable. The discs start off red, but when they are taken out of the package, exposure to oxygen turns the coating black and makes it impenetrable by a DVD laser.

Buena Vista hopes the technology will let it crack a wider rental market, since it can sell the DVDs in stores or almost anywhere without setting up a system to get the discs back.

The discs work perfectly for the two-day viewing window, said Flexplay Technologies, Inc., the private company which developed the technology using material from General Electric Co.GE.N

The technology cannot be hacked by programmers who would want to view the disc longer because the mechanism which closes the viewing window is chemical and has nothing to do with computer technology.

However, the disc can be copied within 48 hours, since it works like any other DVD during that window.

Buena Vista did not disclose pricing plans but said the discs, dubbed EZ-D, would be available in August in select markets with recent releases including "The Recruit," "The Hot Chick," and "Signs."
NSX_Dreamer: yup... very wasteful. :(

Although this technology does have one advantage:

* Mission Impossible movies really will self-destruct...but maybe not in 5 secs.
I read about this on news.com (a very informative site for IT related news BTW). I guess it's no worse than the millions of AOL discs floating around, only those were worthless to begin with. Here are 102 uses for AOL discs, we can now broaden the applications to Disney discs ;):

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LOL... just what i needed <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>... some computer-nerd jokes ;)

I actually use a real Microsoft Windows 95 CD as a Drink coaster. Best application yet...& never crashes.