Discovery Health - the man who slept 19 years

14 December 2003
NSXPO '05, '10 & '15
I just watched a fascinating and scary show on Discovery Health.

Terry was a 19 year old teenager who had an accident in Arkansas in 1984. After being in a coma for 19 years, he woke up in June 2003 and started talking (a medical miracle because after being in coma 4-5 years, there is very little possibility of anyone regaining the power of speech or waking from a vegetative state).

Like the movie "50 First Dates", Terry has no capacity for short term memory. Every day is like a new day for Terry, and he is unable to move or realize that his baby daughter is all grown up and 19 now.

They also discussed a British man who was in a minor car accident in the UK. The man blacked out only 10 minutes after the crash. The CT scan showed that the man's brain was 100% normal. However, it appeared that microscopic abrasians to this man's frontal lobes had a terrible effect. This man was unable to love his 3 year old son or his wfie again. The loss of ability to love seriously affected his relationship to his family.

I was glued to the TV the entire show. It's scary how fragile the human brain is, and how susceptible it is to injury, even minor car accidents.

Man I'm glad I always wore motorcycle helmets when I was riding sport bikes before.

Everyone drive safe out there!!
unfortunately it's a pretty common occurence in car wrecks and head trauma in general---negative CT and MRI scans and major brain damage secondary to generalized damage at a neuronal level vs. a gross damage type of thing.... same thing wih the spinal cord (SCIWOR---spinal cord injury without radiological evidence i beleive is the acronym...)

BTW, having not watched that program, i'll wager that after his little "nap" of 19 years, the star of the show wasn't exactly what you'd call a rocket scientist...
thats pretty crazy they had him on life support or whatever for 19years, must of had a lot of hope he was gonna pull through. thats pretty nutty.
95NSXT said:
thats pretty crazy they had him on life support or whatever for 19years, must of had a lot of hope he was gonna pull through. thats pretty nutty.

Good point... but would YOU want your family to keep you alive for 19 years? I wouldn't. After the first year of the coma pull the plug.
95NSXT said:
thats pretty crazy they had him on life support or whatever for 19years, must of had a lot of hope he was gonna pull through. thats pretty nutty.
Imagine all the medical bills you'd have to pay! :eek: It would be nearly impossible to dig yourself out of that kind of debt...might as well live at home for the rest of your life.