difficulty engaging 1st gear and reverse??

7 April 2005
North Scottsdale, AZ
Hi guys,

Just about a week ago I bought an NSX :biggrin: in San Diego and drove it home to sunny Arizona (where the weather is easily 30+ degrees hotter :mad:). Yesterday I found it VERY difficult to engage first gear at stoplights (reverse too). The problem gets much worse the warmer the car gets and even clunks sometimes when I force it in gear. When the car is off, it is pretty easy to get it in first/reverse, but not extremely easy. The clutch "feels" fine to me - it’s nice and stiff and engages gears at the top. The clutch Master Cylinder was just recently replaced about 2K miles ago (the slave cylinder was not). I didn't have the problem when I bought the car, but I'm thinking that the warm weather may have had something to do with this along with its high miles (97K) and my new NSX driver "learning curve." I did some searching and it seems the problem could be a worn clutch among several other things... any suggestions?? Thanks in advance!
It does sound like a clutch problem. A clutch that no longer releases fully will show symptoms in the lowest gears first, because that is where it does the most work. First and r will always exhibit symptoms first, if the clutch still works, but not completely. PM me if you'd like more help, or come by the shop for a quick test drive

NSXTech said:
PM me if you'd like more help, or come by the shop for a quick test drive
If you are not familiar with him, MB = Mark Basch, one of the most experienced NSX mechanics in the country, and proprietor of Basch Accurate Service in Phoenix. You can reach the shop at (480) 968-8010.
I had the symptoms you posted several times (on the racetrack) and it always was a worn clutch. In the near future you won't be able to put in 1st or reverse gear at all as long as the engine is running. Replace the clutch, there's no need to try minor operations like checking the throw out bearing etc. - it's worse than that, sorry.
redshift said:
I'll be driving out to Mark's shop today! Anybody know of a good deal on a new clutch or maybe a new 6 speed trans?
boy, do i wish i could "drive out to mark's shop today" :(

i bet mark has some ideas :)

Did you buy that red one with the Wings West kit?

redshift said:
Hi guys,

Just about a week ago I bought an NSX :biggrin: in San Diego and drove it home to sunny Arizona (where the weather is easily 30+ degrees hotter :mad:). Yesterday I found it VERY difficult to engage first gear at stoplights (reverse too). The problem gets much worse the warmer the car gets and even clunks sometimes when I force it in gear. When the car is off, it is pretty easy to get it in first/reverse, but not extremely easy. The clutch "feels" fine to me - it’s nice and stiff and engages gears at the top. The clutch Master Cylinder was just recently replaced about 2K miles ago (the slave cylinder was not). I didn't have the problem when I bought the car, but I'm thinking that the warm weather may have had something to do with this along with its high miles (97K) and my new NSX driver "learning curve." I did some searching and it seems the problem could be a worn clutch among several other things... any suggestions?? Thanks in advance!
larrynsx said:
Did you buy that red one with the Wings West kit?

Yup, that's the one. Beautiful car, the clutch just went out... I'm think the emissions testing put it over the top - they rode the clutch out pretty bad. While its in the shop I'm going to do the short gears with the NSX-R r&p. I'm also probably doing SOS headers and intake - not sure this time around though - I might drive her a little more before making that mod.

BTW, I met Mark today... what a great guy! And I must say, Chris over at Science of Speed is REALLY helpful too! I think I'm blessed to live near such great NSX resources! :biggrin:
hi guys, i need to bump this thread, i have problems getting into reverse only, like its insane trying to get it in reverse i gotta use alot of muscle to force it in there. My first is fine, when i bought this car i did a complete fluid flush including the clutch fluid, any help? i dont think its the clutch seller said it was installed not too long ago (comptech clutch i believe)and i did a PPI at SOS and the clutch wasn't mentioned also the techs at Acura didn't mention anything regarding the clutch going out.

any help is appreciated!

hi guys, i need to bump this thread, i have problems getting into reverse only, like its insane trying to get it in reverse i gotta use alot of muscle to force it in there. My first is fine, when i bought this car i did a complete fluid flush including the clutch fluid, any help? i dont think its the clutch seller said it was installed not too long ago (comptech clutch i believe)and i did a PPI at SOS and the clutch wasn't mentioned also the techs at Acura didn't mention anything regarding the clutch going out.

any help is appreciated!


Remember when putting the car into reverse just after cranking it, let the clutch out with it in neutral then put the clutch back in...Then shift into reverse. I remember Larry B saying something about how the gears needs to spin a little to get it into reverse from a cold start. This always works for me.

Also NEVER force it into gear!
Remember when putting the car into reverse just after cranking it, let the clutch out with it in neutral then put the clutch back in...Then shift into reverse. I remember Larry B saying something about how the gears needs to spin a little to get it into reverse from a cold start. This always works for me.

Also NEVER force it into gear!

It's because there's not syncro on reverse, sometimes the gears just don't mash up and you have to start over (neutral + clutch etc.) to allow them to get to spin/match up. Since you don't want to get into R while in motion and syncros are costly it just doesn't make sense to put it on R.

And yes, never force it in gear, you'll either grind or break something...
It's because there's not syncro on reverse, sometimes the gears just don't mash up and you have to start over (neutral + clutch etc.) to allow them to get to spin/match up. Since you don't want to get into R while in motion and syncros are costly it just doesn't make sense to put it on R.

And yes, never force it in gear, you'll either grind or break something...

I'm pretty sure reverse is synchronized on the NSX gearbox.
