Difference in '92 and '97 power steering racks?

26 April 2002
Olive Branch, MS, USA
Technical Question

Does anyone know if a "97 Auto" power steering rack can be used to replace one on a "92 Auto"???

I had my car at Acura for a brake leak problem and casually asked about a thumping noise when the steering wheel is truned rapidly in either direction and when hitting a bump. They informed me my power steering rack was bad and would need to be replaced and handed me an estimate for $6000.00. :rolleyes:

I really need to find someone else to work on my car. ANy help you guys can provide will be greatly appreciated.
I do seem to recall there was a long discussion on that some months ago... Did you try a (can you see this coming?) search? My guess would be yes, probably they're interchangeable. There's also some places that specialize in NSX parts, but I don't remember the name.

I'd have to go home and change shorts if they handed me an estimate like that!

The simplest place to start is to call the parts department directly and ask which years show the exact same part number as your '92. That takes about 30 seconds for them to check. If you can’t get anyone to help I can check the microfiche this evening, or you can check the parts diagrams on this site.

Never mind about the parts book on this site, it is only for '91 & '92.

BTW, if anyone can scan/convert from a microfiche I have the '91-'00 set.
Hey guy's,

Thanks for the responses. Yes, I did search and yes, I did call the parts department and unfortunately Yes, I did crap my pants. ;)

They are different part numbers. The service tech at Acura said that just because the numbers are different doesnt mean that it wont work just fine but he wouldnt give me a "for sure" on it.

I was hoping that maybe someone here had some hands on experience with this one and could let me know if it might work.

I had posted in the parts wanted section and have recieved several emails from people that have *newer* racks but no one seems to know for sure it thay might be interchangable.

Thanks again..
Well, you can use any PS rack from 1991-1996 (53601-SLO-A00). 1997-2000 use 53601-SLO-A01. What few related parts that are available separately are the same for all years, but if I had to guess I would say that the difference is in the electronics and what controls them. The easy check is to see of at least the connectors are the same. With a service manual you can learn that and a lot more, but still no way to know for sure. I'd keep looking for an early one. Have you called Erz?
Re: Technical Question

Griffen said:
I really need to find someone else to work on my car. ANy help you guys can provide will be greatly appreciated.
Let me guess: Acura of Memphis, right?

The parts department is good, the sales department is ok, and the service is always WAY overpriced.

About a year ago I got my timing belt, water pump and all hoses changed. I called for an estimate from AoM, Gary Force in Nashville and Acura of Knoxville. AoM was about 60% more than Gary Force. Also, I had zero feedback about thier NSX tech versus several recommendations for Barney at Gary Force. Its your money and your call, but I'd find a nice weekend to bring it to Nashville. Get that and any maintenance due done all at one shot - you won't find any body better than Barney.

Edit: I forgot to mention that Barney posts here as Barn Man. I would also second the recommendation to check with ERZ on a regular basis.
Re: Re: Technical Question

White94 said:
Let me guess: Acura of Memphis, right?

The parts department is good, the sales department is ok, and the service is always WAY overpriced.

About a year ago I got my timing belt, water pump and all hoses changed. I called for an estimate from AoM, Gary Force in Nashville and Acura of Knoxville. AoM was about 60% more than Gary Force. Also, I had zero feedback about thier NSX tech versus several recommendations for Barney at Gary Force. Its your money and your call, but I'd find a nice weekend to bring it to Nashville. Get that and any maintenance due done all at one shot - you won't find any body better than Barney.

Edit: I forgot to mention that Barney posts here as Barn Man. I would also second the recommendation to check with ERZ on a regular basis.

Yep, you guessed it!

I think I'll take you up on your advice and go see Barney, for all I know I may not have a bad PS rack in the first place.
I don't think AoM is totally incompetent, just way overpriced and not nearly as good as Barney. If they say you've got a problem with the rack, you probably do. I'd consider the folllowing options, in order of least cost to greatest:

1. I know Barney does a little work on the side. Assume AoM is right about the rack, and try to line up a suitable rack up from ERZ (or similar). Ship it up to Barney, give him the car and call it done.

2. Let Barney diagnose the problem, and then you can order the parts from Neillo Acura (30% off with NSXCA membership) to have shipped to him overnight IF he can't get similar prices on his own.

3. Bring it to Gary Force, specify that you want Barney to work on it and ask for the NSXCA member discount (10% I think). You'll still be miles ahead of AoM.

Some good options for getting the car there are flying out of of BNA instead of Memphis for a trip and leaving the car while you are gone. Another option is to talk a long weekend in the Smokies with a Nashville rental car.

Hope all goes well. PM me if you need Barney's e-mail address?

Thanks everyone...

I hooked up with Barney and will be taking my car to him in the next week or so. He is a very nice guy and from what I told him about my problem he thinks its probably just tie-rod ends..

I have my fingers crossed. :)