Difference between 98 and 02?

15 October 2002
West Vancouver
Hey - Ive looked at the FAQ to see what are the exact changes with each year, but Ive seen references before that there is a possibility that the newer style is understated.

Im considering both a mint 98 and a mint 02.

Anything that those of you who have experience with both can provide?

Gut says go with the 02 because depreciation is so little that Im better with the more recent car; anyone have anything to add beyond the obvious styling changes?
Other than the changes youve probably seen in the faq, id imagine the 02 should still be under warranty, whereas the 98 will not be.
There is very little difference. Performance wise they are nearly identical.

I would say it depends on what you want to do with the car.

Personally, I would get the 98, save the 15K difference and slap on the CTSC.

However, if you really like the 02 look better, go for it.

The 02 also has perforated leather, which is really nice. The 98 does not.
If the conditions of both are similar it depends on price vs the mostly cosmetic changes and whether they are worth it.If you drive both there won't be an apreciable difference.The exhaust note may be slightly different.Also I would think that depreciation favors buying the 98 not the 02.
Thanks for the respoonses. The 02 is still at the dealer and thus has the full warranty. The 98 was originally purchased with an extended warranty, which has about 10 months left. I would say that the mileage on the two cars is not different (5k on 02 and 10k on 98) in the grand scheme of things. Not sure why the 02 has so many miles never having been sold.

I suggested that the depreciation favours the 02 car because the wholesalers are providing to me 4 years out values that are lower by the same amount (C$20k) in relation to their initial purchase difference (C$20k). Knowing that the 98 car needs belts and a few other things, its cost of ownership *could* even be more than the 02.
But the 02 is a Yellow/Yellow and Im not sure about the yellow interior. I wish it were black.