Did you vote?

Did you vote / Are you going to vote today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 41 78.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 21.2%

  • Total voters
23 October 2001
Zürich, Switzerland
I am a bit curious :p

Since for me it is quite a strange method you use, where you have to register in advance to vote, the huge queues required before entering the voting room (at least this is what I saw on TV today) , ...

Did you go voting today or do you plan to go before the end of the day?

Please be honest, this is anonymous and I would only like to know if the average american and the NSX owner behave the same.

Non citizen, please do not vote also in this poll! :)

I voted today as I have always. Voting is, in my opinion, the duty of each and every citizen (all countries that allow it).

The only problem I have with voting is that the regulations are, like our traffic laws, meant to impede the flow.
I fully agree Mark!

I always go voting for the political elections and for very important purposes (entering/not entering the EU, abolishing/keeping the military service, ...).

The problem here is that we are called 10x per year to decide about something and sometime about topics we have no idea about (example last year, to abolish a tax on obsolete construction glues :confused:)... ok, because of the frequency of this everything is very efficient and it never require more than 10 minutes. You can always also cvote via letter for non political issues.
MarkB said:

I voted today as I have always. Voting is, in my opinion, the duty of each and every citizen (all countries that allow it).

The only problem I have with voting is that the regulations are, like our traffic laws, meant to impede the flow.
I agree Mark. Voting should be everyone's duty, and should be easily accessible.

For someone like me, who is not always home to stand in line to vote, and have stacks and stacks of mail at home, electronic oline voting is far more accessible...

now if they can make it secure...
I've never found it that hard to vote. You only need to register once, and then each time you move or change voter information (name change, party change, etc.), so it's a pretty common and easy thing to do. The post office has the forms right next to address change forms, so you can pick them all up at the same time if you move.

Absentee ballots while at college just required to send the form back, wait for the ballot, fill it out, and mail it back in on time.

Now that I'm out of college, it's even easier. I get a voting card in the mail which has my information (name, poll location, time it's open), and I just show them the card with my ID, they hand me the ballot or smart card (depending on paper or electronic voting), fill it out, and turn it back in. The longest it's ever taken me is maybe 8-10 minutes, and that's because I wanted to re-read some of the information. I don't see how they could make it any easier, at least in the district I'm in.
Patdeisa said:
Six minutes- that's all it took from when I walked in the door to when I walked out after doing my civic duty. :D
Sheesh, I waited in line for an hour and half! :mad:

Next time I'm doing the vote-by-mail thing.