Did the Stock Market just top out?

13 June 2005
West Coast Florida
If so, how will you know when to sell? Here is my advice from 20 years of doing what I do.

Market tops are a process. There are many phases of selling. Which one are we in?

You sell for no other reason than to take a profit and lock it in. (Market High)

You sell at the first sign of trouble. (market begins its leg down) Somewhat painful but acceptable.

You can't sell because you were up 20% and now you are up only 10%. (Somewhere between, too low to sell and too high to buy) (this is the beginning of hoping, wishing and praying)

Now you are back to even. No gains. Perhaps your account went from 100k to 120k and now it's 99k. (Sick to your stomach, kicking yourself, shoulda coulda woulda but your ego and mind keeps telling you as soon as you can get out with a small profit, maybe acct value of 105k you are all set!)

Further losses------Market is in panic mode, some are happy they said "told you so", your broker doesn't take your calls and you won't show your wife the investment statement. You begin to drink, pick you nails and pull your hair. Account value is 80k. CNBC brings out all the doom and gloom market pundits. You can't look at your kids.

Complete portfolion destruction. Account value now 60k. You are gnashing your teeth, CNBC now brings out pundits how to invest without risking your prinicpal. Blue chips are trading at a PE of 10x and no one wants them. EVERYTHING is down. Time magazine features a front cover with the phrase " How low can the Dow Go?" (The wife finds the brokerage statement and texts you that she demands answers as to how YOU lost 1/2 of their money) With your hand shaking, your tail between your legs, you make the call to your financial institution, you are on hold for 8 minutes and it feels like 90. It's 3:57 and you wonder if you are going to get your order in. The broker answers and calmly says, "how can I help you?" You sheepishly say
"sell it all'. You feel like shit, you know your wife is going to be standing in the doorway waiving the tattered brokerage statement at you.
You stop at the bar on the way home. [:/]

The next day, the Dow is up 280 points.
It will go as high as inflation and piss poor monetary policy by the fed allows it to.

We're in another bubble, much more global this time around.
It is near impossible to predict the bottom or top of the market or a single stock. If you are at a point to either buy or sell (high or low) make your
decision do not try and time perfection. As for pundits I really give little thought to what they have to offer. You can find pundits on every decision
with a different point of view. Follow your own inner voice and then at least if you are wrong you only have yourself to blame.
Soo True... I just wish somebody told me to buy Tesla last summer.:eek:
It seems to me that when everyone is thinking a zig is coming it continues to zag. Short covering can push the market way higher than you might think. However now that I've put this in writing it'll probably crash. I'm holding on for now, but I am thinking of selling off some and locking in profits. With the use of options I have already pulled out more than I've put in. That's my issue, I'm up big and I've been enjoying selling puts and calls against the ebbs and flows and I'd like to continue to do that. Maybe I need to go a little deeper with the strikes, idk. I do know that I'm a bit apprehensive though. If it dips a lot though I'd love to have all the profit to load up on options or warrants.

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It is near impossible to predict the bottom or top of the market or a single stock. If you are at a point to either buy or sell (high or low) make your
decision do not try and time perfection. As for pundits I really give little thought to what they have to offer. You can find pundits on every decision
with a different point of view. Follow your own inner voice and then at least if you are wrong you only have yourself to blame.

So true about individual stocks. I'm waiting for news on a few that I think will push them much higher. I sure hope that news doesn't come on a big down day. It's tough though because I'm already up substantially on three of them so I could pull profits now. However if that news does come and the stocks go higher I'm gonna be kicking myself in the ass.

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Soo True... I just wish somebody told me to buy Tesla last summer.:eek:

A prime member and I visited the factory when they first opened. I remember thinking that it was a really well run place. We talked with someone there about what levels of imvestment they were looking for. Had any imvestment been made that day it would've been a sweet payoff now for sure.
The most dangerous aspect of investing is thinking you know more than you do.