Did I miss the boat on the NSX?

3 November 2013
Iv been wanting one since i was 16, (just turned 30) And started seriously looking about a year ago (with enough $ to buy one) and very recently I sold a property and got a nice chunk of equity back so now Im really burning a hole in my pocket.

But then a few months ago it seemed like prices skyrocketed! prices for a 91-94 with ~80-90k miles went from high 20k to low 40k!! seemed like a 20-30% increase

I can still afford it, but what the hell? I dont want to overpay. is this a bubble/temporary? I was looking at it as part investment/part enjoyment.

Ive been seriously looking into importing one from Japan, i contacted an importer, ive been following auctions, etc. they currently seem to be going for about the same price as before the price jump (or alittle cheaper), so after shipping/taxes/making it US-legal, etc, it would come out to around the same price as one in the US, PLUS Id have a RHD legit Honda NSX.

Opinions? Bad time to buy an NSX? Importing one a good idea or no?
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Iv been wanting one since i was 16, (just turned 30) And started seriously looking about a year ago (with enough $ to buy one) and very recently I sold a property and got a nice chunk of equity back so now Im really burning a hole in my pocket.

But then a few months ago it seemed like prices skyrocketed! prices for a 91-94 with ~80-90k miles went from high 20k to low 40k!! seemed like a 20-30% increase

I can still afford it, but what the hell? I dont want to overpay. is this a bubble/temporary? I was looking at it as part investment/part enjoyment.

Ive been seriously looking into importing one from Japan, i contacted an importer, ive been following auctions, etc. they currently seem to be going for about the same price as before the price jump (or alittle cheaper), so after shipping/taxes/making it US-legal, etc, it would come out to around the same price as one in the US, PLUS Id have a RHD legit Honda NSX.

Opinions? Bad time to buy an NSX? Importing one a good idea or no?
Sorry to burst a "bubble", but if you're looking at buying one as an investment, don't do it. The best return on this purchase, is in the driving pleasure. If it continues to appreciate, or doesn't depreciate, than, that's just a bonus. If you can' afford to lose money, on this purchase (I'm not saying that you will lose, just that it's quite possible), than don't do it. As for importing one, vs. getting one here, that can be PPI'd properly, I'd say get one here! JMHO
Good luck, I know that I get a great return on my capital outlay, every time I sit behind the wheel, or just looking at it!
"Investment" was a bad word to use. I have no plans of making money off of one. I just meant its one of the better cars to buy if youre worried about depreciation. If i wanted an all out investment, id buy another rental property. If i wanted all out fun/driving pleasure, id buy a C6 zo6, Nissan GTR, Dodge Viper, etc. I guess the NSX is the best of both worlds. I want an NSX more because of where its at in its depreciation, as well as its exclusivity, history, etc.
I'm in a similar boat as you - having been a long time admirer and watcher of NSXs for sale i'm finally now in the financial position to own an NA2, but I'm worried that given how high in demand the cars have become, the market's going to keep moving and eventually I'll be out again.
I think there is a softening for the daily drivers. Just check out the FB pages for NSX owners. People are damn-near throwing GPW and BG cars at you. Prices are super flexible, too.
For the money, the NSX is still a great value. It might not be the basement bargain deal it was back in 2010 but still, the gen 1 NSX remains a great buy and certainly not overpriced for what it is. Unless it's crazy cheap, I just don't see the logic in importing one. A RHD NSX might be a cool conversation piece, but it can be a real bitch when you want to pass on a two lane road! Just my .02.
A RHD NSX might be a cool conversation piece, but it can be a real bitch when you want to pass on a two lane road! Just my .02.[/QUOTE]

Also when trying to go through a drive thru fast food restaurant or ATM!
RHD Japanese auction, not all but most of the NSXs I have seen have been in poor to unknown mechanical condition. I couldn't bring myself to buy a vehicle with out first having personally seen it, or gotten someone I trust to look at it. The NSX is as reliable as most Hondas, but just jumping in and buying one blind can turn the dream of owning one into a nightmare. As far as owning a RHD it is more difficult to drive here in the States, trust me I have driven a RHD integra here and I have driven a LHD vehicle in England. It becomes more of a nuisance than you would think. So if you are not purchasing trim that was not offered here in the states like the Type S or Type R then I would say just buy an Acura NSX that you can personally inspect and get a PPI on and drive and be happy.
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Just putting my experience on this thread but I bought mine sight un-seen and its been awesome. I drove it that day and fell in love instantly even if it did have a few minor issues. I'm in Connecticut and the car was in Moreno Valley Calif. I had a company do the inspection for me and I think it was like $150-175 and they give you a detailed report and even tells you condition of carpet and they measure the thickness of paint on different panels and includes a test drive. The report came back the car fax was good and I researched the snap ring issue and found out my car was NOT in range and I knew I wanted it right then. My car had about 172K on it or so and has 191K and counting. I've done all the typical repairs you can expect with an NA1 and I couldnt be happier. Guess I'm saying since we live in the age of technology take advantage of it. There are things you can do to rest easy buying a car across the county plus hey these aren't getting easier to come by so even if there are some issues if you plan on keeping it for a long time or maybe until your old, it may be worth it to put $$ in it anyways. Weigh out your options and do your homework and use the internet to your advantage and I think you can make a solid purchase.
If you are looking to buy the car, own it for a while and enjoy it - then the price is irrelevant. You can buy a good early model car now in the $35-45k and 5-6 years ago when you want to sell it you will easily get your money back out and most likely a little on top. So this really hasn't changed.

Few years ago: buy for $27k - sell for $35k now. Net change $8,000 in your pocket
Now: buy for $35k - sell for $43k several years later. Net change $8,000 in your pocket.

The initial outlay has changed, but the vehicle values haven't adjusted much and haven't hit "peak" so you are fine. Heck, even if you buy it now for $35k and sell it later for $35k you are ahead of the game in the car buying world as most people lose money on cars. With interest rates lower that Hillary's credibility, you can just finance the extra boost and still come out fine.

The bigger problem is for dealers and flippers who want to get in/out with a few thousand dollars in their pocket - but as long as you aren't in that boat its a good time to buy.
Thank you everyone for the responses!!

The price going up doesnt concern me, the fact that it went up a ridiculous amount in a crazy short period of time is what concerns me.

I am kind of still leaning toward importing. I just think its cool and unique to have a RHD car, especially a car like an NSX. Ive been researching it and the grading system and inspection reports are pretty legit. (Problem is, alot of auctions dont have an inspection report)

As for the problems driving it in the USA, That will not concern me at all since I will be putting well under 1000 miles a year on it. A few car shows and a few nice summer weekends is the only time it will be driven. I will probably be washing it more than I drive it haha. If it was a daily driver, I would definitely go for a domestic.