DFW black/black na1 with blak tecnomagnesio

Don't know any DFW locals that fit that description, but there is a guy from Houston that does maybe it was him you should check see I forgot his name, I saw him trying to sell two tecno wheels a few months back on the for sale forum. GL
Re: DFW black/black na1 with black tecnomagnesio

Just found this thread.
I think that was mine but they are dark grey Technos.

But sorry not for sale.
Sexiest wheels on the planet for an NSX; light (magnesium), subtle yet with presence (Italian) , and period correct.
You have great taste :D
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Hey is anybody going? we should park close together if so. :smile:
I'm going. I'll be there at 730 lol. I wish American cars wouldn't park in the Japanese section lol