Detailing Day in Pennsylvania

8 September 2003
Easton, PA
Miléd arrived at my house at 7:30am after driving two hours from Greenwich, CT. Soon after arriving he asked that I remove my NSX from the garage and he immediately started to work on detailing the interior of my car while I tended to my Sunday chores.
While I was changing the oil in my WRX I can hear Miléd talking to himself, mumbling the words "this just ain't right"
Later, while cleaning the WRX and polishing the NSX, I hear words such as "never again, no more Targa's". While cutting the grass, I hear screaming about the lawnmower churning up dust that is making its way to freshly cleaned sections of the interior of the NSX.
At another point, while checking on Miléd's progress, he tells me that he had welded my T-top and I now have a coupe. While listening to Miléd worked on the car I started to think about the story he wrote in the "Detailing Day in NY" thread where he continually repeated the words "I love my father", wondering what he was thinking about me?

After 11 hours Miléd says he is done and ready to go home. I look inside the car and ask Miléd if this is really my car? The interior is amazingly clean, not a speck of dirt nor the slightest spec of dust can be seen anywhere. I had to take my shoes off to move the car back into the garage - well actually, the socks had too much lint on them, so they had to come off too. I am starting to wonder how I will get to NSXPO without touching the interior of the car?

I don't think I can express how grateful I am to Miléd for taking the time to drive to my house so early just to spend eleven grueling hours to detail the interior of my car and then drive for well over two hours fighting 3mph traffic to get over the TapanZee bridge to get home. During that 11 hours of cleaning Miléd had to deal with back pain along with the intial emotion stresses of seeing the condition of the interior of my car resulting from thousands of miles of open-roof driving.
THANK YOU Miléd!!!!!!

Some pictures of the results of Miléd's hard work are here:

Unfortunately I don't think the pictures truely show the results of Miléd's magic (otherwise his unrelenting hard work)




Yes, it will be dirty, but Miled will be there too!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Acura NsX Pilot said:
Its only gonna be dirty again by the time you get to nsxpo :D :D :D

I can attest to that one. Nothing like driving to LarryB's in the rain the other day to get a little layer of dirt on top of my Miled Special but never fear, I promise to do my best to revive everyone's hard work and at least run a hose over it. ;)
Acura NsX Pilot said:
Its only gonna be dirty again by the time you get to nsxpo :D :D :D

I think the point you missed is that Miléd detailed the interior of the car which I hope to keep almost as clean as he has accomplished.
The exterior is the result of my cleaning/buffing/polishing efforts over the last week (mostly after work in the dark :( ) and I think I do a pretty good job of maintaining that regardless of the cruelty of weather and driving.

RPM217 said:
Yes, it will be dirty, but Miled will be there too!!!!
But I fear that Miléd may never want to touch the interior of my car again, especially if I dare to open the windows or remove the top :D
thedon67 said:
Why isn't Miled hosting the detailing session at XPO?

Any before pics tony?

Nice work :D

Don, unfortunately with Miled starting to work promptly at 7:30am I did not manage to get any interior shots before he worked his magic. From a drivers view of the interior, if I didn't know better, I would have said I was sitting in someone elses car.
TonyD said:
From a drivers view of the interior, if I didn't know better, I would have said I was sitting in someone elses car.
That's right, and that would be my car!:D

I know pictures tend to hide lots of imperfections on the outside, and dirt on the inside. The pictures you see are exactly as the interior of the car appears. I wish Tony had taken before pics because I wanted you to see just how dirty the interior was, how dry and dirty the seats were, and how messy that engine cover was. Yawza, I even amazed myself that day!
Now, as far as you cutting the grass around the area I was working and making a dusty mess goes...