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Desert Bloom in Death Valley


Legendary Member
9 July 2010
Fountain Valley, Ca.
May Lee our VP of the NSXCA has asked if there would be any interest in a group going to Death Valley to see the Desert Bloom on March 26th or April 2nd. Here is some info from her.

I've been seeing numerous stories on the news about the unprecedented
desert bloom in Death Valley National Park which hasn't occurred in over
a decade. I've never been to this park before & am seriously considering
doing a road trip over an upcoming weekend. It would need to be soon
before the heat returns which apparently is in mid-April.


[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]http://www.azcentral.com/story/trav...uper-bloom-california-national-park/80509716/[/FONT]

[FONT=tahoma, sans-serif]The blooms may only be around until April[/FONT]
If you're interested in seeing the flowers, it's best to go sooner
rather than later. The bloom is the best it's been since 2005
and while it might get better, it might also die off soon, Wines
said. The flowers will start to wilt and die when the temperatures
reach over 100 degrees or when strong winds hit the valley and
dry out the flowers. According to Wines, while it's hard to predict
how long the blooms will last the ones on higher elevations can
last as late as May but blooms on the main valley floor may be
wilted by early April.

Post up here if you are interested and which day. We are leaning towards March 26th.
I'm a maybe. I'm going out of the country on the first of April, so I may not have time to go, but I will try to get my trip things together early so that Sally and I can go!
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UPDATE: Les, I was just informed by Sally that we already committed to baby sitting the grand kids on Saturday the 26th. So, Sally and I will need bow out. We will be out of the country most of April, so the April date is a no go too..
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