Dell Desktop for 400 bones incl 17 inch monitor

3 December 2002
Boyds, MD Soon to be Dallas TX
Dimension 2400 with 2.53Ghz P4, 256MB DDR SDRAM, 48x CD-RW Drive, and 17" CRT (not a plasma or lcd display) Monitor for $398 after Rebate with FREE Shipping. Buy two and get 10% off with coupon code EBA3BB4FA06F. You will most likely have to pay tax in your state.
click small business
click "as seen on tv" on the right side
Click on "Customize It" under Dimension 2400 for $399
Dell's fiscal year ends this month so they always run big promos in January. Other big promos currently under way:

20% - 25% off almost everything... Desktops, laptops, networking, servers, storage, laser printers, etc.

"Buy two get one free" on certain projectors, Axim handhelds, power products, flat panel displays (15", 17", 18", 20"), etc. Note: The way Dell does "buy 2 get 1 free" is they take the price of 2 and divide it by three - you get each for 2/3 regular price.

You may need to be a business account to get some of these deals, I'm not really sure.

P.S. The Dimension 2x00 computers aren't very good, but I guess for $400 w/ monitor and free shipping it's still a good deal. They use a low-end chipset, slow front side bus, slow memory, low-end video, etc.
It's great that brand-name dealers such as Dell are targetting the low end market. But you do get what you pay for. This would be sufficient for basic word processing & Internet. Forget gaming or any future upgrades for the reasons Lud mentions: slow FSB, RAM, video, HDD (doesn't specify the RPM, so it must be 5400RPM :( ).

It would work great for viewing NSXprime... so that's a selling point! :D