Deleted photographs of a local meet?

6 December 2006
Cedar City, UT
I just received the following emails and 10 my pictures were deleted, can anybody tell me what the hell this is all about? They were good photographs of nice cars sized 800x600 taken at a local meet, so what gives? A PM from whoever deleted them would be nice so I know what the problem is.

This is the thread they were posted in, a few still remain:


I'm sorry, but the photo you submitted to, titled
"7283943", has been deleted. Some reasons for photo deletions include:

-Images that were partially uploaded/incomplete
-Broken images
-Extremely poor quality/images (impossible to make out the image itself)
-Images that did not conform to our published site contribution and usage guidelines such as offensive images

If you would like to submit another photo, please return to our photo upload form:


The Team

Did you upload the pictures to the NSXPrime Gallery? If so, if the images did not have an NSX in it, they were probably removed. Therefore, your link to the image was broken. The same thing has happened to me in the past. Posting pics on non-NSX cars at a meet that had NSXs isn't the problem, so if you host the images at another site, the link and posting of those pics would still be allowed.


It would be great if you could provide a specific reason when you start clearing out a members photo gallery other than a vague form letter. I was about to try reloading them in a trial and error fashion at smaller sizes and such, which probably would have just ticked you guys off. That's just a suggestion, I moderate web based forums in the military and I'm used to having specifics provided for actions taken.

It says NSX Images Only all over the place in the Gallery.

I don't even know where the form letter text is stored. That's just the default message the software sends. If I have time I'll look at updating the list to add "Your photo was not NSX-related."

I am not going to send PMs.