Deleted Items on this site

14 April 2002
topeka Ks
Does anyone else have a problem with this site deleteing there items. I have posted several things on this site one of them being a NSX for sell and someone keeps on deleteing my items . Is this an open site or is this site only for what the people that monitor it want you to read and know.I have never seen a site that the monitors of the site delete your item just because they don't like what you are posting.
kevin Ratekin said:
I have never seen a site that the monitors of the site delete your item just because they don't like what you are posting.

This is what makes this site great. If things does get deleted, its for good reason.

This is Lud's turf, and if he deems that something is not proper, he has the right to get rid of it.

You are right that there isn't another site like this. Honestly, I wish every forum would have a Administrator like Lud.
I think you will find that things aren't usually deleted, but moved to a mor appropriate forum. As a relatively new participant here, I have made postings that should have been in a different forum and Lud or Ken moved them.

I agree with RyRy, that this is the way a forum group should be run.
I agree with the others. This is what makes the site great. You don't have to deal with all the BS posts (Not saying your post was BS). I'm trying to get my other forums that I visit follow NSXPrimes example, but the younger members always seem to cry about stiff rules. Anyway, I have never seen a post deleted for malicious reasons. Usually there is a really good reason why it was deleted.
Problem with deleting

The problem is they keep on deleteing a post that is my car for sell and it has a price like the rules of this site says,but i also put make an offer now whats wrong with that.I see no reason for that post to be deleted. If Lud deletes everything he does not want you to read then this is not an open forum like other sites this is a forum that is soully controled by one person and if he doesn't like what you post then he deletes it this does not make this site so good .People need to be infromed on these sites even if he doesn't like it ,it still does not make it right to delete it if this is an open site .dictatorship is not the way to run a site that is suppost to be open to everyones opinion.
Hey if it makes you feel any better. I got two of my posts deleted on the first day I joined this forum. And when I asked why, Received a threatening letter.

I agree they are very tight here. You have to check your post because you might have possibly offended ET by mistake. The moderators of this forum should loosen up a little bit and try to have more fun. I feel like im back in kindergarten whenever I want to post in this forum.

But anyway, There is no denying that this forum might be the best NSX forum available. And until they make a better forum, just get use to the military atmosphere here. And there are really good guys around like NSXtasy and others and they really are pros. They know everything. They make it worth while to visit this forum

By the way, how come this thread hasn't been deleted yet ?
i have visited this forum for quite some time now...i find what other posts are relevant....i only see posts that involve "flaming" getting deleted...i have had some threads moved to the appropraite topics and there is no problem with...

the people who come on this site are respectful..i have never actually met anyone on this forum..but i think they would be respectful in person as well....
Military atmosphere?? Gimme a break. With the increase in stupid posts, ricer posts, and bad taste posts that I have seen in the last year, I am suprised Lud has not started banning people.

Enjoy Prime for what it is, and what it will NOT become.

Thanks Lud, for all your hard work, and if anything, get a bit more militaristic.
I'll give you a reason why you posts have been deleted, since I am the "dictator" that you mention me as being. You already have a post for you car for sale and that has not been deleted and it does include a price. What is happening is you keep wanting and posting another ad for you car for sale when you have a current one. This being a double post, I delete it and keep the current one. Easy to understand once it has been explained, but trying to say Lud and myself have something against you is incorrect.
Take care,

BTW, This should be moved to the NSX Prime Website News & Discussion
Kevin - ANYTIME has addressed your question -- you cannot list the same thing multiple times in the Marketplace. I told you several e-mails ago that ANYTIME was the moderator for the Marketplace and that I had no idea what was going on with your messages. Since then you have sent me more e-mail that made it clear you were upset but were too vague for me to understand specifically what the problem was . My replies to you trying to get more information so I could help went unanswered and unacknowledged.

cmhs75 - Your messages which were deleted right after you registered were putting down NSX owners who modify their cars, as well as putting down other specific models of sports cars as "trash". That is not acceptable on this forum. If you find that to be a "military atmosphere" then I am sorry but I am not going to change that policy. BTW, here is the entire text of the "threatening" e-mail I sent you just days after I made an exception to the rules and allowed you to register with a yahoo address. "Your posts putting down NSX owners who modify their cars, as well as calling other models of cars "trash", are not acceptable. Please respect the nature of the forum or I will have to revoke the account I created for you." You are free to express your opinions but not put people down. This is clearly explained on the registration page.

To answer your question "By the way, how come this thread hasn't been deleted yet ?" it's because, despite what you seem to think, this is an OPEN forum within the rules laid out on the registration page (and the Marketplace Rules page for the Marketplace forums). Anyone is welcome to state their opinion or say they are dissatisfied with something about this site as long as it is not a personal attack.

mbartlett4 - Just FYI there are only two people with the ability to move or delete posts on this site - me (across the entire site) and ANYTIME (within the Marketplace forums). Ken is not a moderator.

Bell turbo B18C1 - E-mail notifications are not sent to people when things are moved or deleted. There are not enough hours in the day. Things are only moved when they are (IMO) in the wrong forum. Things are only deleted when they violate the rules of the forum as clearly explained on the registration page.

I learned long ago that it is not possible to please everybody so I do not try. I just do things the way I think is best and if people get something out of it, great. If not, you are always welcome to express your opinion or make suggestions here, though I ask that you do so in a polite an non-accusatory manner.

Thank you.
Lud and Anytime - you guys do a fabulous job, especially Lud by providing this medium to us with some minor guidelines that prevent this forum ending up in the gutter like so many others by keeping the trolls and timewasters at bay.
If that's definition of militaristic & dictatorial, or whatever else you care to call it, then it's fine with me.
Keep it up Lud - I guess some people don't appreciate a good thing (free I might add) when they see it.
Post deleted

Lud and who ever the reason if you would have read for the double post is that the price of the car has changed and the way i am selling the car has changed so the only way to post this is to double post because you can not change the title of the post and if any of my post should have been deleted it should have been the old post. As far as not answering your emails that might be because you probably did not send it to my email which is different than this email address because i was told you did not let yahoo emails on this site when i registered.
Re: Post deleted

kevin Ratekin said:
...As far as not answering your emails that might be because you probably did not send it to my email which is different than this email address because i was told you did not let yahoo emails on this site when i registered.

However, the fact that your account was still created under the exception of your yahoo email means that it is the address Lud or any other people send their messages to, unless you've changed it in your profile which doesn't seem like you did.

Either way, for those who're unsatisfied with Prime, what is there to complain? Not like you're paying for hosting the site, joining the site, nor created it or monitoring it. Please don't take things for granted.

Double posts are not allowed. If you need to edit the title of an ad, please contact the moderator (ANYTIME) and he can do it for you. Or if you had e-mailed him to delete your old ad after you posted a new one, there never would have been a problem.

I replied to your e-mails directly - to the yahoo address you e-mailed me from - not to the address your account is registered with on this site.

My last reply to you was 9/11/03 at 6:25pm, about 90 minutes after you sent an e-mail complaining about deleted posts. Your e-mail contained no specifics (what thread or messages, which forum(s), what they were about, when they were deleted, etc.) so I asked you to provide more information in order for me to be able to help you.

Again this was after I had referred you to ANYTMIME for issues related to the Marketplace forums in a previous e-mail, but since you did not specify that it was a car ad you were having trouble with, I was just trying to find out the details so I would know how to help.
Hey Im sounding like an ungrateful Bi#$$% here.

I do acknowledge this forum as one of the best NSX forums ever made. And I do say that signing up at this website for NSX owners is a must. And I am very very grateful for all the questions that have been answered in this forum. And I have no idea how you keep it for free but thanks a million guys. And I will donate to you as soon as I get a job. Im a fresh graduate.

And by the way LUD, I do appreciate you signing me up with a Hotmail account and saying that the atmosphere here is military, that’s my opinion, no body has to get all sensitive about it.
Lud obviously has a desire to make this site a class act and it shows. I know this takes time. This site provides quicker, more detailed NSX information than any other place on the net.

The rules are plainly enforced, and I have seen a couple of my threads deleted. The most recent one was a response to an NSX basher when I called him a loser. Not sure if that was deleted 'cause of him or me. :D I don't post as much as I used to and when I do I try to make sure sure my post doesn't rub anyone the wrong way (excluding NSX bashers) or contain too many opinions. Never talk politics, religion, or car wax.
Lud said:

Bell turbo B18C1 - E-mail notifications are not sent to people when things are moved or deleted. There are not enough hours in the day.

There's no reason it should take any time at all - it should be part of the forum software.

If it isn't, maybe it could be added?
wilsonp said:
There's no reason it should take any time at all - it should be part of the forum software.

If it isn't, maybe it could be added?

Maybe. But then again, it's not that big a deal to have email sent regarding a post being moved or in some cases, deleted when it can't be retrieved no more.
You're right, it should be an option in the software. If it were, I would use it. Make the suggestion at

Sorry, I am not going to take the time to do it manually. If someone's messages keep getting moved or deleted, they need to re-read the rules of the forum and the list of forum descriptions.
I want to chime in here on this: I have had a group of posts deleted (all in the same thread) and at first my response was to be angry. I think this is a normal reaction to the perceived "rejection" I felt from having my posts deleted. Then I started thinking about what I had stated in the posts, and how it had nothing really positive or relevant to add to the subject. So I think they were removed for the right reason. I think adding a little humor can be great, while not adding insight, but my posts were off topic, and I am sure I can come up with about 30 more I have posted that probably could, or should qualify for deletion. I think I have a mentality that the USA, being a haven of free speech, gives me the right to speak (or post) freely. That is just not the case in regards to a forum such as this. I have lost respect for forums that police with an iron fist, and do not allow open discussion or debate if it has a negative remark about the site or a sponsor. This forum is nothing like that, and I can say that I appreciate the work that goes into maintaining it, and the quality of info the members contribute. There are many other forums that make you tiptoe much more than this one.
problem with deleted items on this site

I do agree with you on some points but you say that this site does not delete post unless they should be is not the case here.I posted a car for sell on the prime and when i would answer guestions that had been ask of me i would have the post deleted or changed.Whenever you answer a post this make what you have posted move up on the list of items for sell,but i answered several times and my post would go up to the top of the list for about8 hours oor so then anytime would delete it and the post would move down the list again.I had this happen several times so i emailed anytime and Lud and told them i would appreciate if they would not delete my post or change my post and if they had a problem with that then please call me or email me.I got no reply from anytime ,but i did get a email from Lud saying that he had deleted my post all toghter.I thought this was kindof a chicken way to deal with someone that is having a problem with the person that is deleteing there post.I also had a post deleted that was defending people on the prime from a guy that was giveing them a problem about a car that was listed on ebay i still have not fiquired out why it was deleted.So to say this site does not rule with an iron fist is not quite true and to say this site does not delete post that they do not like is also untrue.I belong to several sites on the internet and this is the only site that i have ever had a post deleted on just because the people that run the site don't like it even if it follows all of there petty little rules.
Posts are always deleted with good reason. You may find it unfair, but life is not fair.

I see no reason for Mr.Lud & Mr.Anytime to provide a personal emails justifying their actions. They are the administrators; their judgement is final.

Before you all start complaining about posts being deleted, be mindful that without moderation we would have appauling behaviour; as demonstrated here:

Or senseless never-ending arguments without resolve:

Even if your deleted post does not meet these criteria, remember it was deleted for a REASON.

That is all I wish to say at this time.
Good day to you all gentlemen.