Deleted bump in For Sale section

22 May 2002
Tucson, AZ, USA
Hi Viper Driver,

The post that you created in the following thread has been deleted

Post ID: Monthly bump! There's an NSX out there that is going to look...
Thread: Custom IForged Rev wheels 18x8 18x10
Reason: one day early

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Wow, really? The original post was on the 1st of the month, which would not make it a day early. I'm now assuming you go off of the most recent post when determining the monthly bump and not the original post? Either way, a wee bit anal and/or heavy-handed, perhaps?

Wow, really? The original post was on the 1st of the month, which would not make it a day early. I'm now assuming you go off of the most recent post when determining the monthly bump and not the original post? Either way, a wee bit anal and/or heavy-handed, perhaps?

don't forget that the mods have their stopwatchs working down to the milisecond :tongue:
Simplest rule of thumb is as follows (which is also outlined in the sticky in the parts for sale forum).

created thread date : 4/15/2012
you can bump at any time on 5/15/2012
whether a month has 28 days or 31 days does not matter, bumpy on the same numerical day of the next month.....simple.