Debi Groom Cancer Benefit Hot Rods & Handlebars * Saturday, Sept 22nd in Tulsa, OK

27 October 2004
Tulsa, Oklahoma
The mother of a very good friend of mine has cancer, but very little money for treatment. So, his band is pulling together some other bands to entertain a ton of people for an event with live music, all kinds of cars, raffle, auction, food, and who knows what else... to raise money for her cancer treatment. Details are still in the works, but here's what I know now...

  • This will take place on the west side of Mingo between 54th and 55th
  • The car show will be from 10am to 4pm and the music (and everything else, I guess) will continue on after 4pm.
  • Live entertainment will be provided by A.D.D., Chase, Soul Storm, One Man Band, Shannon Thomas and another solo act. Possibly one or two more. It will be rock, blues and more rock.
  • Supercuts will be there giving haircuts for $10
  • Admission is $10... unless you bring your car/bike to show - then you get in for free!
  • They will have items to auction and raffle off (not sure what yet)
  • All proceeds will go to Debi Groom's cancer treatment fund
I will keep this thread updated as I find out more details.

About Debi Groom: She has been fighting cancer for 7 years now. The cancer has broken down her immune system and her medical funds have been exhausted.

Live entertainment will be provided by A.D.D., Chase, Soul Storm, One Man Band, Shannon Thomas and another solo act. Possibly one or two more. It will be rock, blues and more rock.