Death of the FAQ Nazi

10 April 2001
Dear NSXprime members,

It is with great sadness that I must report to you that my brother, the famous FAQ Nazi, today passed away in a tragic accident. As is his usual routine, this morning he was working on the soup of the day, which was to include sliced sausage links. Suddenly a customer from Texas, whom he had recently refused to serve, burst into the shop. He attacked the FAQ Nazi by pushing him over the stove, spilling the soup ingredients onto the fire. The flames shot high in the air and engulfed his face, rendering him unrecognizable. He was whisked to the NSXprime Burn Unit, but attempts to revive him were futile.

We will all miss the FAQ Nazi and the help that he provided to so many NSXprime forum members. In the meantime, the NSX FAQ survives, and we can honor his memory by showing the way to the FAQ for those who are not aware of its power. Thank you all for the enjoyment and fun you shared with my brother.

The Forums Nazi
Originally posted by Forums Nazi:
It is with great sadness that I must report to you that my brother, the famous FAQ Nazi, today passed away in a tragic accident.

Ah man I going miss the FAQ Nazi. I thought he kind lit the place up when he walked into the virtual room.

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 22 July 2001).]
Why do all the greats pass away before their time? It seems like yesterday that the FAQ Nazi was reprimanding me for not checking the FAQ. Now I'll feel guilty every time I make someone type out something that's already been posted

Only the good die young. Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Bruce Lee, the Faqs Nazi.

So sad.

1995 NSX-T
1997 Integra GS-R 4-dr
1999 3.2TL
2001 Odyssey
Originally posted by ANYTIME:
Does anyone know who the FAQ Nazi really was or is?

I do as he's a long lost relative of mine. In my part of the world I'm known as the Coffee Nazi.

[This message has been edited by hejo (edited 24 July 2001).]
I dont think he is really dead, just in self imposed exile. Apparently someone was fairly critical of the “soup”, and the FAQ Nazi immediately began to suffer from thin-skin disease. Last I heard he is in hiding somewhere in the Chicago area, perhaps receiving treatment.
We sure had a lot of fun with the Nazi boys before they were exposed, didn't we? Good soup, good times.