Dealing with dealerships.....

29 June 2006
Okay, so I know at least one of you out there have had some experience that you wouldn't mind sharing on this subject. After intensive research I have been able to find the dealership that use to service my new NSX. Remember, the original owner died 2 years ago and the 1 year previous owner knew nothing about the maintenance done on the car and hadn't done anything other than an oil change 3k miles ago. Anyways, the dealership isn't willing to give me any information on this 91 34K mile car. So how do I find out what has been done to the car, and they indicated to me that they definetely serviced the car and even knew the previous owner. Help please, any approaches that you think I should take would be greatly appreciated, as always.....
Let me understand this: You know the dealer who serviced the car, but they are refusing to give you service records for a car now titled in your name? I would ask to speak with the General Manager, and if he/she does not assist you, contact Acura directly, or ask the service manager to arrange a meeting with the Acura Service Rep. I am sure this can be corrected, but it would be best if it happened quickly so they did not have a chance to modify or destroy and records. I can not believe this could happen, but there are assholes everywhere I guess. I just saw one in my bathroom when I was brushing my teeth:biggrin:
Part of selling your car to a dealership is for privacy purpose. If the dealer is willing to take your car in, it is their responsibility to make sure a used car they're selling meet certain standard. By law, they can't disclose any private information, including service record. If they do disclose the information, they will need permission from previous owner.
I went thru something similiar when i bought mine from my local acura dealership. I had the original owner contact the dealership and give them permission to give me copies of all the service records. Your situation is very different because the original owner is no longer living but I believe the dealerships do that for privacy purposes.
I bought a Honda Accord used back in March. The carfax on my car turned up a dealer where it was originally purchased, then later traded in, and certified. I bought the car as third owner from a different dealer. When I had the car in for service at the dealership where it was bought, and serviced I asked the writer if the Timing belt had been done- He then showed me the complete low-down on my car- every major service.

It isn't like I was asking for personally identifying information- I just wanted to know about my car.

Vancehu- just out of curiosity- what is so confidential about service records? If I already own the car, then the issues with the car are mine to deal with.

It isn't like he was asking for the previous owners name, number, and address.

It would be very different if he was asking for the printed reciepts- which might contain credit card numbers, addresses and other potential exposures, but knowing the service record of what was done, and when isn't harmful or damaging in any way for the previous owner.

I am not worried that my identity could be stolen by someone because they know when my car was serviced, or how often I had my oil changed.
These "privacy" laws are about ridiculous when used as an excuse to not give information on the history of a vehicle. What a crock. Oh yeah, I forgot, car dealerships are famous for their ethics. :wink:
I worked for a Honda dealer and then a sister Acura Dealer for over 7 years and I had no problem photocopying every invoice for anyone who had purchased the car they needed the info on. Maybe I was an idiot, but I thought it was the ethical and couteous thing to do.
Thanks everyone for your replies, it seems as though this might be standard practice, so to jump on getting some answers as to the service that was performed at this dealership, I've arranged to have a ppi done tomorrow in hopes that they will tell me what service was previously done vs. what needs to be done. I don't want to spend money to have the t/b, water pump service done if it is not necessary and seeing to how nice the vehicle has been kept over the past 15 years, I doubt that the previous owner would have neglected to have this done at the 10 year mark despite the mileage....that's my hope. All hopefully will be resolved tomorrow when I visit the dealership.