Dead battery, will it hold a charge?

24 May 2002
The 2 year old battery died because I let the car sit for 2 months. The blinking security light turned off last week so a small 1.25 amp charger was put on the car. Will the battery hold a charge?
the optima battery probably did not die after 2 years. The issue with the optima batteries is when they are run dead, they can only be charged at a trickle rate which can take days to fully charge the battery. (they cannot accept more or less of a charge then that from a dead state), so they appear to have died (when you try to jump or quick charge them etc) when they are actually in need of a slow charge.

the analogy that i like to compare this to is if your bathtub is empty and you can only file it with a straw. (think of any more flow as being to much or too little and not adding any water to the bathtub). My issue was i usually discovered that my optima battery was dead the minute i actually needed the car and could not wait an extended period of time for it to charge the slow way. Becuase of this with optima batteries you really need to either drive the car enough that the battery doesn't go dead, or keep the car on a trickle charger when not in use. To me it was just too much of a hassle and i have moved on to Odessey batteries that can be charged at Any rate slowly or very quickly. my .02
you should have no problem putting a 1am charger on it. Had my battery since 97 and still last. Battery died many time b4 due to prolong months of setting. Might be a good idea to put a cut off switch to the battery as well. Or change to a gel battery. They'll last a lifetime.
Your battery should still be ok, just trickle charge it. I have jumped mine numerous times and it's still running great.

For some odd reason, my battery usually die after 2-3 weeks of non-usage. I don't know what is causing the drain but it does force me to drive the car more ;)

The 2 year old battery died because I let the car sit for 2 months. The blinking security light turned off last week so a small 1.25 amp charger was put on the car. Will the battery hold a charge?

Once you recharge (or replace) your battery, Get a battery tender NOT a trickle charger...and keep it on religiously.

I THINK I'm going to drive my NSX more often and then travel, work, weather, life interfers and before you know it...the battery is dead...and this leads to jumping/charging and MUCH reduced battery life.
Your battery should still be ok, just trickle charge it. I have jumped mine numerous times and it's still running great.

For some odd reason, my battery usually die after 2-3 weeks of non-usage. I don't know what is causing the drain but it does force me to drive the car more ;)


Mine was doing the same thing until I traced out and disconnected the original phone hookups and ballast. Now it's OK.:smile:
I have not used my car for two weeks and my car would not start. All I heard was a clicking sound. I was able to start it after jumping it but I thought it was kind of strange for the battery to go dead after only 2 weeks of inactivity. If it were months, then I would expect a problem with the battery. But since it is only two weeks;does it sound like I need a new battery?

Unfortunately, that's normal. The NSX draws a small amount of electricity from the battery at all times, even when the car is supposedly off, so if you leave it sitting too long, it'll drain the battery.

Depending on the age and wear-and-tear on your battery, it may have been dead already after 5 or 10 days.

Don't let it happen if you can avoid it. I've wrecked two batteries so far by doing this too often...
I started this thread in January when the car wouldn't start. After that I left the car sitting with a 1.5 amp Schumacher charger on it for about 4-6 weeks. No starting problems since and I still leave the car sitting for 2-3 weeks between drives. I haven't had to charge the battery since January.
The battery is an Acura dealer replacement battery.
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In all probability, that Schumaker is a 1.5A max float charger. Ie., the current decreases as the battery reaches its correct float voltage. If it had put 1.5A into the battery continuously for 4-6 weeks (1008 to 1512 A-Hr), the battery probably would have boiled out a lot of the electrolyte.

In any case, the 0.5 to 1.5 A range is the right current to use for a few days to resurrect a battery that has been deep discharged. I was in a hurry once and killed a perfectly good battery in my 'vette that had been deep discharged, by initially charging at 20A. :redface: Impatience had its price.

My OEM NSX battery is over 8 years old, was deep discharged twice when I forgot to connect the float charger during the snowy months, and is still very strong.

While people want quick recycle times for batteries used in cell phones, cameras, laptops, etc, battery life is significantly better in almost all battery technologies when the batteries are charged at low currents for longer time periods. The problem is, often that's not convenient. And, convenience has its price.