DC Sport header install help...

9 August 2002
Folsom, CA
Gentlemen, I am in the middle of a DC Sports header install in my '91. Everything was going smooth according to the DIY info in the FAQ ... until this. I am having issues getting the rear manifold to line up on the head. It seems that one of the runners is hitting the crossmember directly beneath. I just spent (wasted) an hour trying to get it to line up, but came up empty. I figure i could do one of two things: 1) loosen up and lower the crossmember to allow for clearance between the header flange to head studs (do not want to do this since too much stuff is attached)... 2) take out all the head studs and put them back in like bolts after everything is in position. If there is an easier way that I cannot see, please let me know. Thanks guys!! --Paul
Hmmm. I have done this twice and the real trouble is the front headers not the rear. I didn't have any problems with the rear ones lining up, etc. Was there any accidents or something that might cause them to not line up? Are these new or used?

Sorry to hear this is such a PITA for you - I feel your pain!
matteni, supposedly the car was in a accident at some time before i purchased it. but the frame was inspected and given a clean bill of health (but other things could have been tweaked and are now being noticed). well, i did manage to get the rear header in by removing a few more of the head studs. hopefully the fact that i had some clearance issues in the rear header will mean that i will have less issues in the front. i'm going to call it a day since the heat is getting to me. thanks!! --paul
Remember - at least the DC headers I bought many moons ago - you have to remove the shift cable cover, the cables, and jack up the tranny about an inch or so to squeeze in the front headers. Otherwise you will spend hours trying to get them in!

Ask me how I know! :o

Just for future reference this is not uncommon and does not indicate a bend/accident/damaged car in any way. There are two ways to handle it (maybe 3, since you found a new one:)!).

Either remove the upper motor mount on the passenger side and raise the engine 1/2" or loosen the rear beam mounting bolts and lower it 1/2". The only header install I did that did not require this was RM headers, all others did have a small interference issue.

My understanding is that the RM headers ARE NOT true equal length, but fit without moving anything. I actually have them on my car and it was my first install, there was no clearance issue. The next install I did was DC Sports and the beam had to be lowered.


this is a HUGE relief, i was thinking that the car was a little bent out of shape and i was feeling a little nervous.

i wound up removing the bottom row of header studs and then it went right in. it was a little tedious, but i didn't want to mess around with lowering the whole beam. little did i know what a PITA is was going to be to get a tool on the top row of nuts to torque them down. thanks for the info!! --paul