DC Headers Rubbing

24 March 2001
Neenah, Wi
Anyone out there with DC Headers have any problems with them touching the lower bar that sits under them. I had them on for around 6 weeks no problems until the other day. When the cars cold I get a slight rattle looked under and the end of the Header seems to be just touching that lower stress bar. I tried prying it up a hair but no luck I guess I could try to wrap some heat wrap around it and then clamp it but I'm not sure it will do the trick. Any ideas anyone I have to take it in next week for some work but until then it's kind of annoying.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory

This is one of the common causes of "rattles". I had this with my RM's headers with the stock exhaust. As soon as I added my RM exhaust, it went away. With the RM exhaust installed the header was higher (about 3/8 up from the Rear Rod Beam.)

One way to resolve this to try to change the position of the exhaust, by moving the muffler hangers, or loosening it up from the cats and trying to "adjust" it.

OR, a far easier way, is the shim the Rear Rod Beam with STEEL washers. One or two will do it easily. DO NOT use the aluminum washers for the oil pan drain plug. They are really tempting since the size it right, but I have been told they are too soft and won't last.

The fact that yours is OK after it warms up suggests that any adjustment needed is very small.


[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 27 May 2002).]
Thanks Larry.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory
Actually Jim (Humanoidtyphoon here on Prime) has recently installed the DC headers on his 91 and showed me...rather, had me listen to the rattling made by the headers. Exactly how you described. Essentially...this is third hand info here, but...Brent Cobb's and Jim's solution will be to dremel down the particular edge that is rubbing and eliminate the problem. You can search for their names in the forums search if they don't reply directly to this post and email them some questions. Apparently the knocking or rubbing isn't a problem, just a disconcerting side effect...as I understand anyway.

Hope this helped a little.

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?

Does this problem happen over time and is it limited to RM and DC? I just had comptech headers installed and no rattling so far, but would like to know if this is something to look out for in the future.


- Comptech Headers
- NA2 Brake Upgrade
- Eibach Springs
- Bilstein Shocks
- Zanardi F&R Sway Bar
- '02 OEM Wheels
The clearance is very low under the car in that area. Because the bar is not much of a structural piece, I think Larry's solution has the least "impact" and makes the most sense.

-- Chris


[email protected]
Just got back from Acura of Brookfield all Bill did was shim the rear beam all is fine man 6 NSXs there one getting the Basch SC kit I want one!!!

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory

Glad it worked out. Isn't it nice when simple is better;-).


[This message has been edited by Larry Bastanza (edited 31 May 2002).]
Yes it is Larry you where right on the shim thanks again.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory
All I know is it's Red and from Minnesota and he is getting a ton of modifications done.

Steven 91 Blk/Ivory