DC-area NSX meet set for Sun. 4/16 !!!

7 October 2002
Chapel Hill NC
NSXers: We will have an NSX meet Sunday 5/16 near Dulles, VA. We have reserved the indoor kart track at Allsports Grand Prix for 2pm. Track details at: www.allsportsgp.com

WE NEED YOUR INPUT: Other activities can include a lunch (beforehand) and/or a scenic drive beginning in the morning, perhaps to Harper's Ferry, WV. Any other suggestions are welcome. This will be our first area event of 2004, so let's get everyone out. There are several new owners on the list anxious to meet everyone.

Note: Pohanka cannot sponsor an event until late June, so we will still try to do that event. However, many NSXers wanted to do something earlier. -Howard Stanton

Please go HERE to post your suggestions and/or RSVP: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32943
NorthEasters: So far we have a dozen guys signed up. Anyone interested should RSVP to the thread shown above.